Hardy would be good choice, he is pretty much young Craig in a sense of continuation with same type of Bond.
Hardy would be good choice, he is pretty much young Craig in a sense of continuation with same type of Bond.
I think he can handle it:
Roger Moore’s passing reminded me of how great he was in his Bond movies. Silly, but charming. Also “A View to a Kill” had THE BEST Bond theme. Sorry Adele!
I’m fine with Craig doing 007, but it is definitely time to see who’s next in the lineup. I’d be interested to see if Tom Hardy could pull it off. He’s got the rugged good looks, has some action adventure under his belt and most importantly he’s young enough to do several movies.
He may return, but he won’t like it. He’s gonna sulk depositing that $75 million dollar check, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
I am really seeing where the French peasants were coming from these days...
I see penises and movie theater carpet when I look at that pattern.
Totally agree that the headlong is click-baity and in fact very disrespectful to 2Chains who is trying to make a difference in his community. That’s a real shame, Jezebel.
I find it funny that Beyonce and Jay Z are so hung up on Becky, and he even tells her to let it go.
Thanks for using the verb “admits” so we can continue to view depression as some deep dark secret! Gotta love feeding fire to the stigma around mental health!
Intersectional Feminist Writer: Ugh, I can’t even with these people who won’t wake up and see the sexism all around them!
I believe there was a discussion on a recent GBBO article about how Paul Hollywood is on many of our secret “would do” list.
I stopped watching Project Runway after the Mondo/Gretchen debacle.
I would watch quite literally anything that was co-hosted by Fielding and Ayoade
But he’s hot because of all the other reasons he’s hot - it’s actually in spite of being a smug jagoff. Smart, successful, interesting, intellectually curious, open-minded? Ok, so he’s also a smug jagoff. We can’t all be perfect!
yes that’s what I loved about it... the fact that they didn’t try to create non existent conflict and drama and it was JUST about the baking. that’s why I stopped watching project runway. I could not care less about the contestant drama, all I care about is the fashion. I used to DVR it and fast forward straight to…
Whatever. If it’s still got the right contestants and charming lack of ginned-up conflict and arcs, it will work.
I can not help to love Anthony Bourdain.