Why wouldn’t a COFFEE shop not have a goddamn public bathroom?
Why wouldn’t a COFFEE shop not have a goddamn public bathroom?
rude and obnoxious asshole of the highest order
This is how I feel about the Nerdist podcast a lot of the time. He does mostly good interviews and gets a lot of good stories from his guests, but sometimes I really wish Chris Hardwick would talk less.
Lol. I’m a big fan of You Made It Weird, but Pete totally always has to relate everything his guests say back to a story about himself. Sometimes I want to yell SHUT UP! Also, I get tired of all the religion talk. But I love him and joyfulness does make me happy.
26 is probably about the same time I went through my “date an older pretentious man so I can feel “adult” and mature” phase. It was over after like nine-ten months when I quickly realized he sucked and was just an asshole.
The first time I became aware of him was seeing him open for Patton Oswalt in Toronto maybe around 8-10 years ago, and he was incredibly funny. He killed. But you’re right, he can be totally obnoxious (I used to listen to Doug Loves Movies pretty regularly and he could never share attention on that show). And omg, I…
I waffle on TJ Miller, he can absolutely seem insufferable but he is a funny guy. I’ve listened to a few of his interviews on Pete Holmes’ (also insufferable but sometimes funny) podcast and he comes off as annoying but intelligent and it’s very confusing for me. I want to like him but I think he’s trying to make me…
Pressure cookers are super safe nowadays.
This story was tragic she spent her whole life in fitness treating her body like a temple exercising eating right , she probably thought I’ve done it I’ve beat whipped cream it cannot harm me. But all the time whipped cream was biding its time waiting for her to slip up and take her out. RIP hot French fitness…
I tried to give him some puppy milk but he didn’t want it (I’m going to try with a brush though, that’s a good tip!). My neighbour has a bunch of weird pets and is bringing over some mealworms later and then he’ll hopefully eat some of those! I asked the vet and he told me not to do the water bottle thing because…
I found a link to a website that offers basic advice on caring for a baby bat that wanders into your house!
Oh damn!!! Danielle Brooks is totally deserving of that title.
I would believe that if it was ANYONE besides DDL. One thing the man is NOT is attention-seeking.
I actually have run into DD-L a few times (we seem to live in the same neighborhood)! He almost always walks with his head down and the one time our eyes met, he had a look that virtually screams “pleasepleaseplease don’t recognize me please don’t” so I looked the other way. But I was still delighted.
Yeah, that film was a labor of love for Scorsese, and it turned out to be one of his worst. That said, that’s one of my favorite DDL performances. He’s fucking terrifying. Imagine being on that set with him in character the whole time! I wonder how crew members got carved up.
Fuck yeah. He was a goddamned specimen in Last of the Mohicans. A probably historically accurate goddamned specimen too, lean and loinclothed. Professor, give that man an A fucking plus.
Dude probably made $20 million for Lincoln. You can live exquisitely for many, many years if you invest that properly and don’t make any large, stupid purchases.