
He’s a child, basically.

what else can i do???

everyday necessities like casually shooting Hunter S. Thompson’s ashes out of a cannon for $3 million


As a person with an autoimmune disease, I am not offended in any way shape or form and actually think this is a pretty good analogy. People need to sit the fuck down.

Ugh, I’m really getting sick of language being SO policed. Didn’t anyone with severe allergies also get upset at Lorde and force her to apologize? People die from allergies!

drugs kill us in more ways than OD and pretending otherwise is so nuts it makes me want to throw my computer against the wall.

If only the same compassion and logic were applied to all addicts and people suffering from mental illness, regardless of fame or socio-economic status.

The fact that I’m older than Blake Shelton (not by much but still) is just one more depressing thing I learned today.

Biggest surprise of that story — Blake Shelton is only 41?????

Gwen looks strangely unhappy in that picture, like she is about to cry. Perhaps she is contemplating the prospect of an armadillo entree for the birthday dinner?

Sure, but a pony IS a little horse.

Courtesy of the NPR social media team; dad jokes...a lot of them:

More than 400 people lived in the building. 30 dead, 15 in critical condition, and 70 unaccounted for...? It doesn’t add up because I don’t believe that almost 300+ people escaped.

I fear that “70 unaccounted for” will rise: there’s no way yet of knowing who else may have been in the building where entire flats are lost- partners/friends/one night stands.

i loved the series and loved the ending and im all on board with season 2.

Me right now:

Has anyone ever bitten a Skittle in half? I realise that generally they just get dumped into the mouth with a funnel, but if you bit into one, the mixture of sugar, thickeners and flavourings inside the crispy shell is a white, uncoloured paste. So Skittles are basically white sugary paste painted different colours

Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get

I’m still not 100% sure how stress = tooth loss, unless there’s another part of the equation (ahem, drugs) that I’m missing.