I love Built to Spill. They were not part of that scene.
When I hear Alice in Chains now, it stops me dead in my tracks and I’m instantly back in 1994. Not really where I ever want to return but man was Alice in Chains the goods.
The fact that his wife apparently had someone do a safety check on him makes me question that.
This was my first thought, too. He seems to have his shit together a little more than most of his peers from that era, so I think he’ll be okay.
Agreed. I think of Cantrell as the brains behind Alice in Chains, but Staley was clearly the soul.
I had the same thoughts about Eddie being Last Man Standing. Weirdly enough, Pearl Jam is the only one of the big four I ever saw live (shortly before Vs. was released).
No way. Layne Staley was the frontman, all the way.
Unfortunately sometimes just prior to a suicide the person can seem happier than normal, and this is often because they have made a decision to follow through with a plan, and are experiencing feelings of relief, etc. It’s really depressing and sad.
Oh no, I hope he didn’t pull a Michael Hutchence, beautiful men with wavy curls is my weakness and this just bums me out
Hey Kid -
Just start the Oxy habit now and be done with it, you’ll NEVER be the same.
The self satisfied smugness is strong with these folks.
I liked them and thought they were really talented on The Sing Off.
Me too! God, you guys! I’ve felt so alone, so very alone...
IT IS NOT JUST ME?!? I thought I was the only one who hated this group.
I’m taking this as proof there really is a god after all.