
The problem is that Giada was teaching them a quick and dirty shortcut recipe using pizza dough. Pizza dough is not the same a foccacia dough. Like any pizza, it gets tough if left to sit around for a few hours. Substitutions like that almost always result in an inferior product.

This is what bothered me. She called Nicole “honey” and was extremely condescending. I love to cook and would never speak to someone like this in my kitchen who was interested in learning. Giada - Nicole was helping you during your segment. Not the other way around.

So she can overpronounce arancini.

Right?! Nicole is trying to be an engaged guest on a tv segment and was thoughtful enough to ask a few basic questions. Her eye rolls are totally justifiable.

I mean, it seems like Nicole was genuinely interested at first and lost interest because Giada didn’t answer her questions and treated them like dumb questions. I have the same question, Nicole! Maybe don’t bring recipes that assume you already have risotto lying around? I love risotto. I have no clue how to make it.

Ugh. I grew up in Italy, and nobody there - and rightly so - thinks that Giada De Laurentiis has any merit or chops. She rode in on her grandfather’s coattails, and people back home look at her the way Americans look at Guy Fieri.

She is clearly unimpressed about being forced to do some cooking segment bullshit, and I love it so much.

I have absolutely no sane reason why, but...

I cannot stand Giada. So points to Nicole for that little side eye there.

Nicole Kidman is someone I’ve always felt is dealing with dark brain shit behind the superficial calm, so I think we should be nice to her.

Ladies, we do not treat a De Laurentiis like the help.

Made it five seconds before De Laurentiis did her usual thing of over-pronouncing an Italian word to the point where I’m not sure if she’s meta-goofing on stereotypes or trying desperately to be authentic.

Is there a service where Bobby watches all of your television for you and serves up these kinds of recaps? Talk about a delightful time saver.

Pro tip, everyone: Don’t fry in olive oil because it has too low a smoke point. Use peanut or canola oil to fry so you don’t stink up your apartment and set off the smoke detector.


“The three people killed on the bridge are men!”

This article is a bizarre attack on Elizabeth Moss and the film. And who the fuck cares about her religion? If she wants to hang with those weirdos, go for it, it doesn’t affect me.


I’m not a Scientologist, and I’ve read/seen/heard many of the accounts of abuse within the religion, but every time I read/see/hear criticism of it, I can’t help but think “what’s the difference between those abuses and thousands (millions?) of similar or worse committed by other religions?” And what is the difference

Yes, exactly. I was thinking: Would you ask the same of a practicing Catholic, whose church can be tied to every bad thing under the sun? As far as I can tell, she isn’t preaching it. She isn’t trying to convert me or hiding messages about it in her work. She isn’t working to ruin anyone’s life. She’s just living her