I also just realized that this ass hat has $1,000 worth of audio equipment, and only $15 worth of pens.
I also just realized that this ass hat has $1,000 worth of audio equipment, and only $15 worth of pens.
Team Fortress 2: Medieval Mode: The Game
Dad-dratted flazzin' brazzin' raggindabbit! I just got me a real smartyphone, and finally figgered out thet I perferred Springpad ta Evernote, and now I gotta go use Evernote anyway? What the heck did I spend a week comparin' the two of 'em fer!?
I'm really happy for you, I'ma Let you finish, but the German Opening of TMNT has the best opening version of all time!
We'll we can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in our time.
Vivi is the only character worth caring about.
You're already in vanilla game!!!!
Nope. It's always fine not to tip someone. Your pay isn't my problem, nor is your conscious decision to opt for a lower-paying job packaging to-go orders instead of waiting on tables. Don't like the result of your decision? Change it.
I'd make my character look like Hodor.
Welcome to Zoolander the MMO, where everyone is Ridiculously good looking
Best anime there ever was.
"Elephant in the room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed...
Excellent post Nick. I wish you the best in your endeavors.
Not only an improvement to function, but to safety as well. Dryer lint catches fire very, very well.