
They should make the newer Star Ocean games like Till The End of Time though it was epic.

I already got the ps2 version and don’t really need another one. I still haven’t beaten it though

Yeah, the whole series so far is a mystery on trying to figure out what the Titans are. They just chew and eat people whole and only people. They don’t have genitals because they reproduce some other way that is still a mystery. They are just brainless humanoid creatures that just eat people and destroy everything in

Dragon Quest heroes isn’t supposed to be a multiplayer game. You get an army of characters and stick to the main story the whole time. More players would mess it up because everyone has to be an NPC and important to talk to between missions.

I just got it for ps4 today. Both sides have the M symbol

A DVD should be released later with all the shorts.

I really enjoy it too but I recently sold my whole disney infinity collection. I’m playing lego dimensions now and it is more fun because you actually have to constsntly move and position the characters around the portal and disassemble and reassemble vehicles and items as new ones with new abilities. I can also use

Mario’s going to be busy this summer. Now we need F.L.U.D.D. backpacks that shoot water.