
This episode was Saving Private Ryan with dragons and no Matt Damon.

"Dustin coming forward about Shay only to be used as a scapegoat and prosecuted for accessory after the fact was just the depressing cherry on top of maybe the saddest storyline of the season."

I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard during the Josh/Bieber parody.

I mean…it's not my sole focus while watching the show. I like Teddy. He's got kind of a raw deal with his current situation, and I'm just thinking of alternatives. One of those just happened to be his stepsister.

Not directly related to this episode, but is it weird that I kind of ship Teddy and Amantha?

I was J&J adjacent growing up. Had a lot of friends and cousins in it. My mom was against the idea of me and my sis being in it, because her version of bougie was hating things that other bougie black people enjoyed. Except being an AKA. She was all about that lol.

I think this is a pretty superficial reading of this episode and where the show is at at this point.