BlackArmy General Loses Two Stars Over Lies, Stripper Sex Scandal
BlackArmy General Loses Two Stars Over Lies, Stripper Sex Scandal
I’m going to repeat my plea: Put this on Stitcher, please!
“Bands that suck”?
Fuck him.
There couldn’t have been a more appropriate finale to the year. Fuck this shit.
Yeah, my main beef with GMO products is that it give large corporations more power over independent farmers.
10 feet is 3 meters...
And the chances for D4 season 2 get even worse.
Can you not post articles about this wanker please? It only heightens his profile even further. Thank you.
can we seriously stop pretending smart phones in general look any different from each other? they are all flat rectangles with a screen.
Mmm, opening an account is needed to login and see the map.
Not to get too pedantic, but that is actually how you tell the difference between Male and Female Zebras. Not kidding at all.
Male Zebras are predominantly white with thin black stripes, female Zebras are more black with thinner white stripes.
If you think that’s scary you should read up the situation with Helium. A huge new reserve find was announced earlier this year, but we are at still at significant risk (Helium is essential for all sorts of cryogenic activities, notably MRI machines.)
That’d be a selling point. Z Nation is goofy but entertaining.
“No, the majority of the radioactive contamination comes from the dust that’s covering everything. The dangerous high-energy Gamma emitters are likely mostly gone by now, and what remains are the slowly ticking alpha or beta particle emitters. EXTREMELY dangerous to inhale, but relatively harmless otherwise.”
I’m sorry, LubHub? Is that a PornHub reference in a kids movie?
Why can’t the phone manufacturers just rotate the camera in production so if you hold the phone vertically (which is a more natural grip) it films landscape, and if you *really* want to film in portrait, you have to fumble with holding the phone sideways?
No, it’s really 53 gigapixels - I counted.
I have a hard time believing an LED contributes significantly to battery drain, given that LEDs use almost zero power. Things like haptic feedback and bluetooth are going to use orders of magnitude more power than an LED ever will.
It is weird because almost all these anime were earlier this week in an article over here on “The most dissapointing anime of this year”, and the god damned Hero Academia was the winner of the shitlist. WTF?