I’m old enough to have watched the Thomas-Hill hearings live. I remember thinking Clarence Thomas was clearly a very skeevy dude, and I wished he wasn’t the nominee. Know what I don’t remember? Being mad at Joe Biden.
I’m old enough to have watched the Thomas-Hill hearings live. I remember thinking Clarence Thomas was clearly a very skeevy dude, and I wished he wasn’t the nominee. Know what I don’t remember? Being mad at Joe Biden.
“I’ll pull a half-assed phonebank shift at night but I’ll write misleading, inflammatory headlines during the day. I’m helping!”
I will freely admit I started laughing pretty hard after reading that first paragraph as I almost instinctually knew that this was going happen. On Friday, Biden gave a speech about racial relations in the US which took many by surprise as it was a starkest speech about racial disparities in the US made by a…
“I’ve said it many times that Joe Biden needs to win in November, and I will phone bank as much as I possibly can to do my part to make sure that a Biden victory happens.”
Okay, can I just state how hilarious it is that the article sums up Biden’s defense as somehow “Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?” after for a length of time actively ignoring the multitude of journalistic efforts that failed independently support Reade’s accusations and when referring to another piece…
When criticized in the past for posting way too much about Joe being awful, given that (any reasonable person knows) the choice for America’s next president is now Trump vs Biden, Reese defends herself by saying something like “You can hate Trump and think Joe is a bad candidate, folks!” Which is true, but it’s also…
It’s like you all are reading two different universes of news. Biden is in a strong position and Trump in an incredibly and historically weak position for an incumbent; Klobuchar is not the frontrunner for the the vice presidency; multiple media, left, right, center and otherwise investigated the Tara Reade story and…
No, I did read it correctly—“drag” is a transitive verb, Biden is the object in headline. Some entitity (presumably the left, wouldn’t you say?) is “dragging” Biden in their direction.
So Biden’s people call up AOC’s people and say, “Hey, would you please be part of this task force we’re creating?” And the upshot is “LEFT DRAGS BIDEN.” Cute.
Should I wait until tomorrow before noting the radio silence here over Tara Reid announcing at the end of last week that she was now calling for Joe Biden to withdraw from the Presidential race, which is what this was ultimately all about all along?
I’m curious - how else is someone supposed to respond when accused of something they didn’t do, other than essentially call the accuser a liar? (words he did not use)
I mean... you realize that this is a strategy, right? Suburban moms are on Facebook in great numbers, share shitty memes (what up, Wine Moms, didya see that new Juggling the Jenkins vid???), and were instrumental in handing Trump the election in 2016. Bernie’s memes didn’t do anything for him in 2016 and they did not…
The online “enthusiasm” for Bernie turned off as many people as it attracted.
That Bernie supporters think Twitter engagement and memes are what matters most is EXACTLY why he’s lost two primaries.
Right. Trump supporters obviously don’t care about rape, Bernie supporters are going to be in “Bernie could still win” mode until the convention, and as per usual, far too many liberals would rather contemplate their own ideological navels than look up and see that something about the whole affair is sketchy as fuck.
She loves Putin, so my guess is that just like Putin she hopes to cause chaos in the USA, so he can be left alone to do what he wants.
Reade’s perpetually changing story and name is why people should not take her seriously. Especially since a part of her supposed story comes from a novel her father wrote. Not to mention, now deleted, gushing articles she wrote about how sensually strong Putin is.
She also claimed that she told supervisors and they did nothing, but the NUT investigation found no staff members who remember her reporting anything.
His pissbaby supporters are all over twitter congratulating trump for four more years.