
There’s this joke I’ve heard.

One of the things I love about the guitar community, especially the gearheads and equipment enthusiasts, is the passion for learning about tones and sounds. This sort of shit usually doesn’t come up because all of the talk is about resistor values and differences in guitar pickup sounds. This is super disappointing. 

I prefer the Benjamin Hart version of this think piece over at The Awl:

There have been way more retail job losses than there are current coal miners. The only reason people care more about coal miners is because they are white men and retail employees are often black women. It says a lot about the state of journalism in this country where one is reported and the other isn’t.

Liberals like Ivanka Trump for the same reason conservatives like MLK: you can put words in their mouths and they won’t/can’t refute it.

As a liberal who lives in a small city in bible belt Central TX for graduate school, especially as a queer POC, it is misery out here. It’s lonely, so many people have a chip on their shoulder and want to show you that they’re superior. I just go along with it because if I don’t I’ll waste my time. Also, there are