
After reading the comments all I have to say is that people who think this is funny disgust me. It is irrelevant if the person is a reality tv star, it is irrelevant how much her ring is worth. Being bound, gaged, and at the complete mercy of your attackers is not an experience anyone should have to go through. So she

Come on, those comments are jokes! Can’t you just RELAX and see the humor? (I’m being sarcastic)

Yup, I was reading through some comments on this site and my stomach turned. What in the fuck?

Including the comments at this site? Granted, I haven’t seen comments wishing violence on her but I have seen victim-blaming and jokes. Its really sick and disgusting. If this were private citizen, everyone would be equally outraged at the horror endured. But because its Kim, HAHAHAHA??

Thank you! What the fuck is wrong with people?

Jojo dander boy has been really trying it for a long time. Really believes he achieved something with his “ploy,” when the reality is that blacks aren’t even the ones that benefit the most from affirmative action. So his point is just that he’s shitty and trying to exploit anyone and anything, from race to his sister,

I also said WTF when I read that. Like...wut. I don’t understand why he would think he needed to pretend to be Black to go to medical school. It doesn’t seem like medical schools are shunning Indian people, now does it? I guess more of the same trickle down White Nonsense (TM) that claims Black people just get handed

Also this?!

I’m seeing an awful lot of people online this morning on various news sites commenting on the Kim story saying “they should have killed her.” or “too bad she survived, because she’s a whore.”

They probably wanted the ring, which I think she always wears.

If you just wanted jewelry, wouldn’t it be easier to rob her when she is not in the room and most of her security team is out with her? This sounds like they specifically wanted to catch her alone, to threaten or harm her.

“French.. and later, the Latin..” What. This person is confused about how language works.

This sounds about right to me - I suspect the whole, “I want the fairytale story and to baby just say yes but it’s just not working out!” is good for her brand, but in the end she’s just a woman in her 20s having fun.

The best comment on her divorce from Cruise was to David Letterman: “Well, I can wear heels now.”

I want to know his reaction when his friends are all “Brooooo, Britney Spears thinks you’re hot.”

WTF is that!?!

Things going poorly between Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian? This is my shocked face:

Britney post is cute.

Kaledy Cuoco’s new boyfriend has a stupid hat on.

It was Dustin Hoffman while they were filming Ishtar and he asked Beatty the question after he leered at a woman who walked past in a full burqa. Incidentally, You Must Remember This is an amazing podcast.