
The dickhead is more interested in the bravado than managing the logistics of a show like this. His “collection” of horror is craptastic and should be part of any fashion design school’s “what not to do” curriculum. What a steaming pile of goat shit.

You’re looking at this all wrong. OBJ not only lives an amazing life, he lives one where Lena doesn’t even register. This guy really does have it all.

He bothers me to no end. The fact that he likes to group himself with Disney and Jobs, is enough to make me roll my eyes and ignore him. I mean really? You think you are like Disney who created the company that makes multi-million dollar movies that are classics, theme parks that are visited y millions, a TV channel

I will never tire of your username. I will be giggling about it in my grave.

Once in a while someone should tell Lena Dunham to sit down. Not because she’s a millennial, not because she’s a woman... just because she is so TRY! HARD! all the time. It’s great that she’s confident, accomplished, pursuing her dreams, and doesn’t feel like she has to conform to Hollywood’s female beauty ideals. But

Now playing

To listen to while watching the above .gif.

This is not fashion.

Not only is this fucking terrible, it’s demeaning as hell. The women were literally props and no consideration was given for their well-being. Two hours standing out there. That isn’t easy. And I say this as someone who has had to stand at attention for extended periods of time.

Nobody paid to see shows of this level are invite only...but keeping editors waiting so long is a big no no

Suffering is part of his aesthetic. At least he’s committed, being married to a Kardashian and all.

Yeah, Tommy Lee’s drumkit not only flies over the audience, it flips upside down. Step up your game, Kanye.

Will someone please point out to Kanye that he has no talent at fashion design? That these clothes suck? Someone that Kanye actually listens to needs to speak up.

I feel bad that OBJ was dragged into all of Lena Dunham’s unnecessary drama. He really seems like a sweet dude who just wants to live his life and enjoy his Instagram.

every show has been his models standing still for a very long time. it seems like, each season, that length of time gets longer.

I’m so sick of reading people call his stage set up brilliant. When Motley Crue have been doing the same shit for years it’s anything but brilliant.

of even...

I’ve been singing along to this song for almost year and I finally got around to reading a translation. I wish I had done it sooner and it sent me down the rabbit hole of translating all of my favorite songs.

The revenge of Dawn Weiner

ColOmbian. Sorry, it's a huge pet peeve.