
She should have pepper sprayed his eyes out and been like, “What? I’m being Amanda Waller, you fucking baby.”

Like I’ve said before, Leto’s antics show that he doesn’t actually understand the character.

is ben now the chet haze to matt damon’s tom hanks? an investigation.

Linda Evangelista for me is the ultimate ‘90s supermodel. Man did I have such a girl crush on her!

If anyone who watches the video for “Freedom ‘90" doesn’t agree, they aren’t alive :)


Now playing

Sorry, but you had to be in this video or at least alive when it happened to be counted as a supermodel. I don’t make the rules!

Oh Frank...

These kinds of insinuations have really started bugging me over the last 6 months or so (primary fatigue, I guess). What I find particularly obnoxious is the insinuation that Wall St (whatever that encompasses) is an inherently bad actor. I constantly am annoyed when folks ascribe a malevolent angle to that. Banks are

There is no good choice this election. I suspect many won’t vote at all.

White woman here, and Cory Booker is always my first thought. Definitely NOT interested in seeing an all-white ticket, even if they were both women.

Because it’s a risk having two women on the ticket. It might not matter considering the disaster that is the current GOP, but Warren would be replaced by a GOP Senator. Two women would be a bridge too far for many of the GOP women that I truly believe are going to vote for Clinton.

Also, Corey Booker. It would be a LOT easier for me to cast a ballot for her if he was on the ticket. I know the beltway wisdom is that Clinton has the Black vote locked up but not this Black vote (this Black vote is super offended by her pandering). Booker really is the real deal, in my opinion when it comes to on

just like we did with cosby for so fucking long.

When people say weird shit like that I say “Hitler was a vegetarian who loved children and dogs.” Then slowly back away like Homer into the hedge. Give ‘em something to think about.

The guy was a joke the day before he died and then he died and people did a 180 on him like I’ve never seen with anyone. I’m still amazed that it keeps going on today.

There are so many people that completely deny that he was a pedophile. A super awesome and otherwise rational work friend of mine was adamant that it was all for money and you know other people must agree. Oh the lies we believe....

Doing God’s work there. Keep it up.

This dirt bag needs a brain bleach chaser: