
I don’t think the fact that people disregard the intended message behind a piece of art means the piece itself lacks integrity. The fact that people go there and rub the bull’s balls says nothing about the piece whatsoever. It simply says that the people who go there and do that don’t care about the meaning behind it

Personally, I actually support the notion that the fearless girl statue should be moved. The bull statue isn’t Wall Street execs that the artist behind the fearless girl statue is trying to speak to/about; the bull statue doesn’t even represent them in the first place. Pointing the fearless girl statue at the bull

My sister, who I honestly think deep down doesn’t want to be a mother and really doesn’t care much about marriage, does this to herself and actually gets depressed about it. It drives me insane.

She seems like she’s wasted in every interview, all of the time. Major Anna Nicole Smith vibes.

This sounds way too much like Bat for Lashes’ “What’s A Girl to Do”

I used to smoke but quit and I really don’t miss it. Regardless of what my personal opinion is on smoking, the people in these pictures should never be invited back to this event or the museum. Fucking with priceless art so they can have a circle jerk worshipping themselves and each other basking in their cluelessness

So they cancelled Bloodline but this worthless piece of shit got renewed?

When I first heard about this, I thought it was no big deal. Then I read an article somewhere about the message it conveys, (whether it is unintentional or not) which is that suicide can be used as a means to get revenge, make the people who didn’t care suddenly pine after you and be filled with regrets that they

Personally I think frats need to go. There is no room in this world anymore for the “boy’s club” mentality or the rape culture that thrives in fraternities. They do more harm than good.

I’m far from prudish, but maybe Diddy cropped them out bc their need to put up their middle fingers made them look like exactly what they are: desperate little girls trying to act grown. Also, just because you’re in a pic with a group of black men, you automatically assume that throwing up the international symbol for

I judge people harshly for how they treat food service workers, even more so if they’ve been employed in the industry themselves. A family friend was dating a woman who worked as a waitress at a diner and I met her while out to eat for someone’s birthday and she treated our waiter like absolute shit.

I LOVE “Roller lash” by Benefit.

I refuse to buy any L’Oreal products anymore because every single time I’ve ever loved anything from them, they have retired it.

He was so damn talented.

This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say. Couldn’t agree more. He’s a brilliant musician but such an unlikeable, attention-seeking fame whore. I only like his music when he’s doing blues stuff and I have always thought his pop music was a huge miss but he wants that celebrity factor, which is why he insists

I was one of those judge-y assholes before I ended up in an abusive relationship myself. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is just nothing that can be said to make people truly understand it unless they’ve seen it first hand.

Great point! I totally agree.

Hopefully last week was the last that we saw of Desi. IDC about his fate. He was the funniest he’s ever been this season, but they’ve already wasted too much time on him. It’s like Shosh doesn’t even exist at this point because they’re wasting time on shit like Desi’s drug problem and Ray’s existential crisis.

For me personally, the only good way for this show to end is if they all go their separate ways. That is reality. How many of the people who mattered to us in our early 20's are still close to us when we’re 30? Not many. The only real friendship Hannah has at this point is the one with Elijah and MAYBE Marnie, but the

I read the same theory elsewhere and I have to say, it’s a good one. The person wrote that they think they’re subtly dropping hints that Jessa is back on drugs... they mentioned how pale she looked and how they added that dark red lipstick to highlight that in the scene where Shosh and Elijah tell her to fuck off...