
Thanks so much! And YES! You make so many good points. No, none of her friends are on her level, which I never thought about before, but I guess it would be kind of hard to do since she was just named the richest celebrity in the world. This is also probably why she chose to make Katy Perry an enemy—because Katy is

Well, regardless if she said it or not, I fully believe Gwyneth Paltrow is probably the most insufferable, phony woman alive right now.

Shut up and take my money.

I don’t understand the need for stuff like this. Adventurous eaters: please help me understand.

I looooove Courtney Barnett!

“It comes off as insanely childish.”

“Taylor is team feminism only when she’s the one being torn down”

I agree. I don’t understand what the hell happened to Tom Hiddleston because he really seemed like an actual adult before they linked up, but his credibility is pretty much gone now. I’m curious how this is going to play out though, I bet Taylor is losing her shit that Calvin won’t just shut up and go away and that he

Just wait until her relationship with Tom Hiddleston finally implodes when he gets a grip and comes back to reality. Can’t wait to see how she’ll react then. Taylor has a lengthy history of talking shit about people via song or by leaking shit to the media about them, being passive aggressive and vengeful as fuck, and

The Hiddleston stuff is definitely creepy. I used to think Taylor Swift was pretty cool, but I don’t know how a person can really be labeled a feminist the way that Taylor so often is when she’s such a catty person and seems to collect people in a really creepy way and add them to her “squad” while she picks and

Exactly! My problem with this GIRL (she might be 27, but she’s trapped in a 12 year old mentality) is her incessant need to leave burned bridges everywhere she goes. Either one is a part of her “squad” or they’re her enemy. Personally I think she’s a little batty.

I don’t understand why anyone would even want to take credit for the lyrics to begin with. This is not exactly life changing poetry. They both need to grow the fuck up.

So, wait. Taylor Swift hates Katy Perry because Katy tried to hire a dancer out from underneath her, and this was supposed to be the most awful, backstabbing business move ever and Taylor went on to act like a victim (once again) over this. But it’s perfectly OK for her to randomly turn on her exboyfriend now that she

Tituss is a national treasure <3 using the hashtag #LizaMinelli when raging might be the greatest use of a hashtag of all time.

I’m a millennial, and (gasp!) I live at home with my parents who I am so incredibly fortunate allow me to live with them, pay them $200 a month while I attend grad school and work. I also contribute money toward utilities. I won’t lie, the notion that we’re all a generation of giant babies and bums is offensive.

Fuck Martha Stewart. Blanket statements about generations are as old as time, but that doesn’t make them any less stupid. Millennials get a lot of flack, a lot of it is deserved in many cases, but on a positive note, they’re on track to become the most educated generation of all time. In regards to not working hard

Totally agree with you. I love Chris Farley and have always been a fan and found his life to be pretty tragic, but that documentary really gutted me. That was something that stuck with me. Very sad stuff, and like you said, it really humanized him. I’ll definitely be checking out the Steve McQueen one.

You’re absolutely right. Many of the people that I personally know who were Sanders supporters have vowed to never vote again, and this would’ve been the first election that they ever voted in, period. They don’t vote for school board elections or follow any of their local politics whatsoever. You’re absolutely spot

I’ll vote for her in November simply because the pickings are so damn slim, but I don’t see the fuss at all. I’m not going to pretend that the Clinton Foundation isn’t corrupt as fuck, or that she doesn’t talk out of both sides of her face. She is the stereotypical “say anything for a vote” politician. The Clintons

This is the problem with politics though.

People put all of their hopes into a politician that they think is different, and they believe in whatever revolution they’r being promised. They hang onto every word, they believe every bit of mud that he/she slings at the opponent, so then when they turn around and support