
Sorry for hijacking your post, but I really wanted to share this with more people because this girl is guilty as fuck. More texts between them:

I just can’t imagine how they aren’t going to find some way to legally punish her. There is so much proof that he was hesitant and she was getting angry and pushing him so hard to kill himself.

Nope, you’re right. It went a lot deeper than the transcript above. There are so many instances of Conrad seeming like he didn’t want to do it and that he was extremely vulnerable and was easily swayed. Notice how incredibly invested in his death she is. She really wanted this kid to die.

“I almost feel like this is an extreme version of a teenager learning about/playing with being manipulative.”

I think a huge part of the problem here is that the relationship between Michelle and Conrad was 95% via text and online and they only met a few times. This is a huge issue with the advent of social media—many people, especially young people, seem to have an issue separating fantasy from reality. Maybe if Conrad had

The most damning part of all of this is the fact that Conrad Roy had second thoughts and she told him to get back in the car. If she really cared about his life at all, she would’ve called the cops or something, not told him to “get back in the fucken car.” Conrad had a moment of clarity and got out of the car only

You’re right, Kim is a massive asshole as well, but it should be a red flag for any woman if their husband treats other women like absolute shit. Kim seems to believe that as long as Kanye treats her well, everything is OK and that his treatment of other women is harmless. He’s good to her, so his misogyny is not her

... It’s not currently summer in Malawi. The “cold weather” season just started. I know this because my best friend is currently living there. Does it really bother you that this woman has makeup on?

I can’t even begin to imagine the kind of human being who sits on the Internet complaining about healthcare or education volunteers who spend their time helping strangers.

Are you even serious? So you take issue with people volunteering their time to help the health of others? How do you feel about Doctors Without Borders? Or Engineers Without Borders? How do you feel about the Peace Corps? Because my best friend along with hundreds of other people you apparently find fault with are

There shouldn’t even be shade to explain to begin with. People just love to look for shit to get upset about. White woman visits Africa, takes pictures of experience she is enjoying... oh, the horror!

My favorite comment here is the one complaining about nursing students who travel to other countries to help

Maybe this random celebrity is an asshole for reasons unbeknownst to me, but spare everyone your fake outrage, because you don’t even know WTF you’re talking about.

It’s definitely harassment and it’s fucking obsession as well. He is completely and utterly obsessed with Amber Rose and Taylor Swift. This should be a red flag for his wife.

Love your comment. Wish more people would wake the fuck up. Kanye gets a free pass for being a misogynist, and the way he has treated Amber Rose (as if she is his property for life) gets ignored because people do not respect her. This is also my problem with the Kardashian/Jenner family AND their fan base—they

The fashion world is so fucking stupid. Kim Kardashian looks like a size 10 or 12 (despite her need to lie and say she has a 26 inch waist and wears a size 2) and she has no problem with people dressing her or finding clothing for her.

I sincerely wish there were words for the feelings of complete and utter joy I felt when I went to school with a fresh Lisa Frank trapper keeper, folders, and pencils. Seven-year-old me is jumping for joy and I will definitely be buying this just for the sake of reminiscing.

This is the stuff nightmares are made of. With all of the shit going on in the world right now, I’m fully convinced that we are in fact being wiped out by natural selection.

You are correct. The repeatedly raped and murdered story was just the product of Robert being jealous that Lyanna loved someone else. It’s a theory, but it makes so much more sense than the raped + murdered story.

“I don’t follow the ‘She’s a badass.’ worship that I’ve seen online... she seems pretty stupid.”

Yes! I totally agree. And this whole “I’m ghetto, I’ll fuck you up” act that she has going irks me so badly. She loves wearing a hat that says “Compton” on it like she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth and hasn’t lived a totally sheltered, privileged life.