
Joy manages to stay on television and get attention, yet the majority of the population does not understand WHY. Let’s stop paying attention to this moron.

Based on Beiber’s behavior lately, I think his Britney-esque breakdown is coming. It seems to be that when celebrities reach a certain level of fame for a certain amount of time, they just snap. I think this is the case with him as well.

I agree with you on this.

“These social media fiends that like to tell people how to live and run their lives all need a strong dose of reality. You follow the celeb to watch their life, not dictate it.”

I know nothing about whether or not mediatakeout is legit, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. Owing people money is the only reason Tyga’s name gets mentioned in the media unless he’s being linked to the Kardashian/Jenner family. He owes so many people so much money and barely has a career, so I would not be

Aww, I love this meme. Just reminded me of back when Kanye had an actual personality. I really liked him back then.

I’m puzzled by all of the people here who are claiming that Cubans love Castro. I’m Cuban, had family that fled Cuba to get away from Castro and his dictatorship, and I grew up in a large Cuban community. There are commenters here referring to him as “saving Latin America from corporate dominance,” yet there is no

You know who doesn’t admire him? The Cubans who lost everything and had their families torn apart because of him, including my own family. Have a seat, RedViolet.

“I’m mostly convinced she’s doing whatever she can to get attention to move up the celebrity food chain.”

Demi Lovato seems like a very annoying person. Every time she’s actually in headlines, it’s only because she’s doing some immature and dumb shit—like the time she flipped out on Twitter because Taylor Swift made a financial donation to Kesha to help pay her legal bills, which according to Demi was not good enough

Every single time I start getting happy and excited about how far our society has come, shit like this happens and reminds me about the dregs of the earth that are still out there.

I completely agree with you. It’s unfortunate for that woman that she was so disappointed, but Matthew Perry doesn’t owe her anything. She paid to see him in a play and he provided that service for her. Anything extra she was expecting is her own problem.

I understand that people go out of their way to support actors and actresses and other celebrities, but the fact remains that you as a fan are only being given a PORTION of that person’s life and they are 100% entitled to live as the rest of us. We all have our days when we don’t want to be bothered and they deserve

I posted a comment referring to this exact quote. I just saw it yesterday. I always thought Kim was beautiful and when I was a kid and her career blew up, I thought she was coolest. Low self esteem is so fucking awful.

That picture of Lil’ Kim makes me so sad. I just read a quote that was attributed to her yesterday. She was saying how low her self esteem has always been and how every man in her life beginning with her father told her she wasn’t pretty enough. That is really tragic.