
Actually, that's kiiiinda great. We should definitely build that into ThinkUp. :)

"he stopped re-tweeting fools who tried to shout him down and began “amplifying voices that were worth hearing,'"

The fucked up logic it takes for a guy to accuse another guy of doing something respectable in order to get laid and not realize that the conclusion inevitably comes back around to that Men are dirtbags and thus so are they, BOGGLES MY MIND.

What is a retweet? He just basically repeated something someone else said? Really? Who gives a fuck then. He's a plagiarist in that case.

I'll just be sitting here waiting for all of the MRA-type comments about how this is sexism, or just mocking it ("I'm RTing only gluten-intolerant, pan-sexual paraplegics from now on!") to pop up on this article. (Looked Dash up on Twitter, and found plenty of that already.)

Totally not the point of the article, but can we talk about how awesome the name "Dash" is?

Wow, you just mentioned #SolidarityisforWhiteWomen and #NotYourAsianSidekick in a single sentence. I don't think that has ever been done in a Jezebel main article. You are now officially my favourite Jez writer.

This is awesome, but he had already won twitter for me in 2013 with this, regarding Senate Bill 5 in TX:

This is a dope af story and he really nailed why it's important to immerse ourselves in voices and platforms we wouldn't normally relate to - he learned about diversity and appreciating the perspectives of others through hearing the voices of others, instead of just hearing about people different from him. Plus, he

Okay, so this is cool and interesting and I wish more men thought like this, especially in the tech industry but...

Dash could get it. Also, his blog is great.

I think you mean

Yes, I too like flirting with women by interviewing them and mentioning my wife in one of the questions. Mentioning your wife, who you're married to, is the key to any successful flirtation.

There's the article.

I do feel that all religions are equally absurd, but some are more transparently fraudulent (like Scientology or early Mormonism).

First of all, 1999 called, it wants this article back.

6) If your website's full of assholes, it's your fault.

Some people LOVE to hear themselves talk... this video is 4.5 minutes to long.