Ani DiFrank Ocean

I’m sure you’re right. Like, it would be pretty cool to be John C. Reilly or Hank Azaria or John Goodman. You’re recognizable, sure. And probably pretty rich, but TMZ does not want to talk to you.

This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

This is beyond horrifying.

Nobody likes a smart ass

You get older, never younger; you get more fatigued, never less. You try to put off the effects as long as possible, but when you lose contact with the communal momentum of the lead pack and watch your competitors run away from you, it’s mighty gutting. The race becomes about damage control, trying to avoid cratering.

I haven’t worked security in a long time, but the one thing you didn’t do was get involved with what was happening outside your venue.

Particularly getting involved in a he said/she said argument.

I’m truly sorry this lady had a shit night involving some apparent assholes. But sacking people for not being chivalrous

Or are super really high on cocaine but there’s only 2 lines of the 8 ball left.

tfw you’re coming down from mushrooms

I did not wake up this morning thinking I would like Ariana Grande, yet here we are.

Slaymi Bellvato

Sorry guys, gotta make it about me for a hot second. Tatyana McFadden is on of the ambassadors for the charity I ran today for (Team for Kids, as you can see). Honestly, running the NYC marathon was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Yeah, your legs and feet are tired as hell after, and the last six miles

Not to brag or anything, but my half marathon yesterday was 23 minutes less than that, and I bet I also had a lot more chafing. So. Winning on both counts.

She first helped pimp Jess out in an effort to help Jess make some money of her own... When Jess gave up that money and vocalized Zola’s part in it, Zola was clearly in a dangerous situation. She was already on tenuous ground for refusing to trap, so why wouldn’t she pimp Jess like Z wanted her to? How else could she

I mean, it was her lived experience and she thought it was funny. That doesn’t cover what happened to Jess and Jarrett, but i do think Zola has the right to laugh at her own experience.

One of dozens!

I figure it’s not my call to second-guess what elements of her own life are tragedy or comedy. She found it funny and so she wrote it that way.

Mother, May I Trick with Strangers?

I’m so glad this is being discussed more and more.