Ani DiFrank Ocean

I have a nude and a black, nude for sheer shirts, black for everything else :) but this is after my mom forced me to go bra shopping last year. Before that I was wearing bra's I had literally found on the floor of my attic.

;) I have some dryel! I will do that!!

Ugh what did people do before fabreeze.

Lol, I am so much worse then that hahaha. I think in owning my current bra a year, I have washed it *twice*?! Not even sure!!

LOL omg what does he think happens to them!?! We aren't CONSTANTLY LACTATING. I used to think the same thing about men's underwear, like why bother but that was before I'd smelled my fair share of balls. Those things get nast-tay.

You're welcome!!! I tell ALL my friends. I'm not sure how many I've converted but I have had people ask me where to get them. Thrift stores are good! If you aren't grossed out (maybe wash them on hot?) :). There are definitely skirt slips, I have like three of them but even THEY ride up so a dress slip is always the

It's about mid-thigh. If I wear a shorter dress the lace hem peaks out which is super cute. It's gotta be some kind of synthetic but I'm not sure where it even came from and there is no tag! The bust cups are a little big on me but it is NEVER an issue but they are definitely shaped. It's nice!

I have a slip I picked up somewhere ages ago that I wear almost EVERY DAY. Slips are seriously underrated. You know how you wear a skirt with tights and the skirt keeps riding up on your thighs? Guess what: SLIPS PREVENT THAT.

I freaking love pornhub, its my go-to.


Hear Hear! I sported this haircut for way too long in my adolescence!!

"Michael Bublé and his wife are going to have a bablé."

I agree. I cried from beginning to end and then for an hour after it was over.

hahaha seriously no one is really helping clear up this matter....

LOLZ omg

I felt the same way! But I'm a year in with mine and trust me, the pain ebbs.

OH MY GOD so good to know. After I got mine in, I was TERRIFIED of the removal, like theorizing that it must be 100x MORE painful. Tank you Tank you.

Most of these comments are about Beyonce, but I just wanted to point out that Willow Smith isn't wearing a "Matrix-inspired" trenchcoat. She's wearing a motorcycle jacket and a leather skirt! Not everything long and leather is "Matrix-inspired". Like there were never long leather jackets before the Matrix!! Not to

hear hear!