
Nice. I like how all it takes to be racist nowadays is “I can’t articulate why, and can’t point to an act; I just kind of suspect that he’s racist so I’m going to blurt it out for people to read.” Oh, but don’t forget, they did go to that one place that used to be racist, a long time ago, and did that one thing. (You

But doesn’t this miss the “hot” part of the “hot and cold” dichotomy of fried ice cream? It’s really just ice cream rolled around in other stuff instead of mixing the other stuff into the ice cream.

A lot of people know that the only song Sinead O’Connor is widely known for is a Prince song. It doesn’t make it irrelevant just because you didn’t know that.

Every song he wrote was, by definition, a Prince song. Sometimes other people sang them.

There is nothing wrong with that sports report. I thought it was rather clever. Or at least as clever as a sports reporter in Chattanooga is going to get. And it was not disrespectful. He wasn’t making fun of Prince. And why fire the guy? What about a suspension? There’s more going on here than meets the eye.

Demi is CLEARLY shading T Swift, right?

I know I’m supposed to revere Bob Dylan, but...really? “Changes the world”? The generation he supposedly spoke for has virtually destroyed the economy and the planet (not to mention continually engaging in pointless wars), and are pretty much comprised of entitled, pushy assholes who scorn every other generation that

If you don’t think Eminem changed the world, you’ve got another thing coming.