
I worked with a dude in Honolulu who was going through divorce, had crazy high child support, and our job didn't pay well. He became homeless, and was on dating sites picking up girls for places to sleep, too. Poor kid. He was really cute, and not so smart. I felt bad for him basically turning himself into a still use checks?

No, we wouldn't want Rhianna performing and sparking more conversations about how domestic violence is a huge problem in our society! Best sweep this stuff under the rug and out of the public's mindset as quickly as possible.

I dont know, man. She looked nervous, like someone just told her she was going to be on and shoved her out the curtain. Can't she just go be a preschool teacher in Montana or something? Poor woman.


I didnt like his saptastic drug song at first, but I am digging the new songs. Not so much "Don't" but whatever was released first. Sing? Dance? something like that.


Yes to shirt sleeves rolled up and man sweat and knowing how to start a fire. Add being hilarious, and you've pretty much got it down.

I knew a girl who said her type was "guys with big noses".... Shannon, is that you!?! =) (Ha, what if you really were my ex co-worker now?)


I love you too, girl.


I just googled that.... and now I will no longer read her last name as YOH-f. Neato!

I love Emily Yoffe. There is some STRONG hatred of her on this site, but I dont care. Also, I like Savage Love... Oh man.. I like all the advice people hate. Oh well.

I dont know how to NOT love ranch dressing ( sour cream based, not mayo).

That is a damn terrifying story.

Ahhhhh. I ws thinking, dont those constrict their prey, not bite it?? Thank you for the pic.

I went opposite style. My husband and I basically only watched labor videos and laughing baby videos during the third trimester.

I am very sorry for your family having to go through this tragedy.