While I prefer the pre-and-post styling of the 4 round headlights on the XJ, this is hard to say no to at $5K OBO. The seller’s listing is incredibly detailed and it seems to have been fastidiously taken care of. Even in this shitty exterior color, the car looks stately and I’m sure is just glorious to drive.
Guy brings in a Diesel Audi that he put Gasoline in and doesn’t tell the tech (Maybe he didn’t realize he did that?). When the tech pumps out a fuel sample into a glass jar he drops it on a hot terminal and it catches on fire. The dealership doesn’t sound like it is taking any responsibility for the fire, even…
Seriously, how many of us are reading this at work and can’t take 5-10 minutes to watch a video? I almost exclusively read this site while I am at work.
I won’t spoil the story for you
Orange Man Bad.
Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%
I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.
“No one should be rich and anyone who is must be evil and it is our social responsibility to twist everything they say and do into a bad thing.”
Don’t let things like nuance or financial realities or math cloud your judgement here. BILLIONAIRES BAD! (See also: Millionaires, any amount of generational wealth, households who earn more than $30-250,000 a year depending on who you talk to, all equally bad and evil)
You absolutely should pick on Mike for this. Just because it’s common doesn’t mean that it’s right. He picked the title, he knew exactly what he was doing and excusing it only encourages more of the same.
This is part of why I wish Forbes lists and the like didn’t exist.
Stop resisting the narrative!
Another day, another “percentage of net worth” article about the ultra wealthy (not picking on Mike, it’s common across the mass media).
So can I safely assume that the good doctors that sued this small business for modifying diesel trucks are going to hold the same principles towards the myriad of big industry smoke stacks that have blatantly refused to comply with TCAA? Yeah.... That's what I thought! Typical hypocrisy from the postmodernist leftist…
Oh no! I'm running an egr delete on my mustang! Should I have to pay a hefty fine because some people are worried about emissions!? Fuck outta here with this bullshit. If people want to modify their vehicles then let them modify them. I get it everyone has an opinion but for fucks sake take yours and shove it up your…
The science is far from settled on this one. We have no clue how many people are actually infected since they say many can be infected with very mild symptoms. Those people would never be tested in the first place. South Korea is doing far more extensive testing and they are only showing a 0.7% mortality rate.
Reality doesn't matter. Biden's piece of shit son traded off his name and that's enough for Trump to convince the media, and thereby many gullible segments of the electorate, that it's equivalent to his own corruption. It's not but once again the truth does not matter. Biden's opportunity to throw Hunter under the bus…
Debunked? I’m honestly curious what the son of a sitting Vice President with no experience in oil and gas or international business brings to the table at north of $1 million per year. You think Biden would have otherwise known who some random Ukrainian prosecutor was and intervened in an investigation of a natural…