
He did point out fair trials should be given to everyone but to your point there are quite a few commentators here who dislike the rich almost arbitrarily. I don’t agree with there should be no billionaires statements either, no one should determine how much someone should and should not have, it isn’t their money and

You guys are doing a very poor job of disguising your obvious dislike for the rich. Yes there are a lot of rich scumbags but not all are and denying due process to anyone is extremely dangerous. That is how police states thrive, they can throw you in prison for anything, no questions, no defense. Seriously many

We are talking dollar amount, not percent of GDP. Having the world’s largest GDP, for now, of course it is likely we spend a smaller percentage. However I bet we spend more per person than any country overall or at least top 5. 

Yeah, like that is even remotely based in reality. Hyperbole much?

Can you name a country that doesn’t have poverty? No, didn’t think so. 

Well if you are asking people to put their life on the line and they have full time day jobs I would hardly call it a social program. The US military is not a social program and that is a false and sophomoric statement to make.

Exactly, it is as if they went to one left leaning college level social studies class and then wrote a blog. A lot of people get use out of the gig economy, working when they want to and need to. If our work/life balance is miserable then the majority of the world must be in hellish torture every day.

Seems the average listing is:

Seems like an entire magazine full of trucks their owners don’t want to sell but were forced by their spouses to list for sale. So they did, in a small circulation supermarket tabloid, at a ridiculous price. Seriously every price in there is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. 

Agree with you but speaking to this ideallic crowd who has bought the “everything in my life is somebody else’s fault” mantra is like trying to stick a magnet on a brick wall. They have no idea what life was like in the USSR. 

You seem like a counter-culturalist who just copied his statement and inserted capitalism for communism. Cute but it doesn’t exactly refute his point. What 100 million died by their own state under capitalism? You seem to have an unfounded anger towards older people. Get some life experience, actually study how people

Scandinavia has incredibly high taxes and is a much smaller, homogeneous example.

Do you have any idea how miserable day to day life was in the USSR or currently in Venezuela? You NEVER go full communist. I could support Capitalism/Socialism hybrids but communism is not the way.

While I have not lived your life anymore than you have lived mine you show yourself to be ignorant of history if you think being paid less is equal to being locked in prison for life or killed because of political dissent.

The Irony is under Marx and Engles these developers would likely not be receiving awards or even get to choose the field they work in. I really don’t get how a philosophy that has failed over and over is still held in such esteem.

Driving is just a means to get to Whole Foods then back on the Peloton for your perfectionist husband. 

Legendary Alfa unreliable-ness combined with FCA’s general shoddy manufacturing and bingo! Overpriced junk car! Sure they look good and go like heck when running, once again when running.

But does he yell at his staff and act like a petulant baby enough? Rest in peace Mr. Jobs but boy were you overrated. 

Also from Raleigh, sounds on point for a southern mother, blunt and always speaking their minds. Don’t cross mom. 

I was also edumacated, only knew 240 and 280.