
Thanks for grouping all white people. Surprising this happens in Oregon.

Yeah, its almost as bad as texting pictures of your junk to kids, multiple times. Carlos Danger!

That’s nothing, saw someone cut off a fire truck yesterday, on the highway.

Geez, never seen anyone so obsessed with Alt-right and drawing so much from a FRIGGIN CARTOON. Please tell us how Aqua Teen secretly supported the 2nd amendment.

Waaaaaaaaah, we don’t like Trump! Summed up this entire thread.

Maybe he should just send them palettes of cash in exchange for nothing. Or maybe he can spend 2 billion building a breeder reactor a la Clinton. At least try to be evenhanded. We get it, you don’t like Trump.

Really, he gets 91% negative coverage and you guys flip your lid because someone dared to say something positive about Trump? Paper thin skin.

Yes if Trump does it just downplay the problem. Geez what a baby you are, even I will admit Obama did some things right but you just can’t see past irrational hate can you?

Sub 3% GDP, low labor participation rate, sluggish dow, yeah, glory.

Think the left has taken the lions share of tantrums over the past year and a half. Maybe Putin’s flying monkey army secretly whispered to Kim while he was sleeping.

Like tax dodging and prostitutes in Thailand? Yeah what a rock solid case. Sheesh.

Your tinfoil hat might be a little tight. Please man you can say he will bungle the talks or it was mainly S Korea that set this up but enough with the conspiracy theories. We get it, you don’t like Trump.

I feel like you need to run a Sarah McLaughlin type commercial where you raise awareness of abandoned cars.

Waiting for “very little catastrophic engine failure”

Does Trucoat do anything?

So you offer no proof to refute his statements, just insults and personal attacks. You sir are the definition of a hack. You honestly believe republicans are just going to unilaterally cut funding to all social programs and hand moneybags out to billionaires as they drive by the capitol. Try to be a reasonable,

Welcome to the gawker family. It has been a nonstop avalanche of snark, petulance and general temper tantrums since Trump won.

Is Amazon not paying their power bills? Isn’t road maintenance supposed to be included in the gas tax in most states? Why would Trump raise taxes? Also yes, Obama saying “you didn’t build that” was an attempt to undermine individual achievements. I think his tone deaf demeanor helped put Trump in in 2016 and only

Where in the constitution does it say you are entitled to Warren Buffett’s money? didn’t realize that wealth is going to you. The Federal government is the biggest waster of them all and both sides are to blame. Billions unaccounted for every year.

oooh, burn, still wondering why you lost in 2016? This, this whiny petulant crap.