
Really, this is the best you got, rumor/tabloid/anonymous source BS that the weekly world news wouldn’t touch? Yeah nevermind that Clinton got BJs in the oval office, a NY times reporter’s cousins’s janitor heard someone say Melania is unhappy. Also memo release disaster, you mean the memo showing the Trump

How about a Monopoly hat? This has been obstructing my driveway for three days.

So in reference to white people teaching black history line, what does that have to do with Columbus and the Indians? Can black people not teach white history? Seriously where does this race labeling end? Also how do we know that the teacher didn’t mention that Columbus discovered America on behalf of Europeans who

Don’t look back you can never look back.

The are a small contingent of Jay Lenos out there cornering the market. “All your classics are belong to us.”

Totally agree but I remember a lot of the parking garages I went to in DC, the attendants used a chain that moved through a 2ft hole in the floor as an elevator. Not exactly the pinnacle of safety.

Your basic garage door won’t work if something is in the path of the door. Advanced high tech car lifting system, no need for such silly precautions.

Regardless of where you come from, what color you are or what gender you are, if you assault someone for personal gain you deserve to be a joke for all eternity. Boo-hoo, too bad, actions have consequences.

This, no matter which side of the aisle you are on it is clear that Huffington has been an opportunistic hack for decades.

Like Jimmy James “Macho Business Donkey Wrestler?”

Remember when Conan would do celebrity mashups? I say this is Henry Winkler and Jerry Seinfeld.

You all said this would work. Sounds like a smart man with little common sense.

Seems like history repeating again for Acura. Having overcome the single tooth grin grill (Many companies in the late 2000s seemed to be hiring designers to purposely confuse buyers, see BMW.) The modern TLX and RLX are not bad looking cars, now they need a performance boost, a true S type with the turbo V6 outta do

Hilarious, guy makes a comment that triggers you, you call him a moron and overreact and even label him a Trump supporter for suggesting movies are made to different standards and try to out virtue signal each other. Then you end of sort of agreeing on the core point. Lay off the sugar children.

I have never gotten anti Semitic behavior. Oh no that person might, produce a movie?

Even without the allegations Woody Allen is an overrated hack or at the very least polarizing. You either love him or you hate him and I never understood his awkward bad humor movies.

Thank you, all the sudden hand wringing over debt. We added 10x as much under Obama and got nothing in return. That is what happens when politics becomes your religion, logic goes out the window.

So? If they earned what makes you entitled to that money. Better yourself instead of being jealous.

Bush tax cuts didn’t cause the great recession, it was a convergence of things, largely banking deregulation in the 90's coming to a head. However from your comments I would guess you don’t even shave yet.

How about we start with cutting fat and redundancy out of Medicare and SS, like fighting harder against the billions lost each year in Medicare fraud.