
I’m just wondering how delusional and ridiculous it is to believe that everyone who voted for Trump is a racist bigot. Enough with the childish name calling and generalizations, this is one reason the democrats lost.

Sure, everyone who voted for Trump is a toothless ignorant redneck. I hope you never realize that your broad generalizations and smugness is why people rejected the democrat mantra, that and Hillary was a gawd awful candidate. You will not change hearts and minds but acting like a petulant fool.

I thought Chicago was a liberal mecca. If the cops acted out of line they will be punished, no doubt. Did anyone mention race BTW, obsessed much?

I agree, whatever happened to discourse and being able to hold onto your own ideas? A liberal commentator nailed it, the inability to have discourse or for many extremists on both sides to shout someone down or call them stupid or even incite violence if their views don’t align with yours is insane. You will not

Yup, Asian Americans can’t even make fun of themselves. California’s state motto: “Don’t worry, we will think for you.”

“He stopped short? That’s my move!”

Where did he mention Trump? Get off it man, elections have consequences no matter how much you want to whine and moan. Don’t like it? Get out the vote next time and run a candidate without a boatload of skeletons. I suppose a controlling nanny state where your freedoms are based on someone else’s opinion is your

You may view healthcare as a right but someone has to pay for it. Obamacare’s premise of getting revenues from the healthly younger people who would be penalized if they didn’t buy isn’t working out so well. How will doctors be paid and how will health care research and equipment be funded? Who would want to be a

Pretty much, does not surprise me that the Gawker comrades would gang up on a guy with money and support a government entity with eastern European levels of terrible service.

You guys ever been to a DMV? Sure this guy is hard to root for but I have been to DMVs in three different states and universally they are poorly run and have terrible attitudes. You honestly get the feeling they would rather punch you in the face than talk to you. This guy’s behavior does not excuse the incredibly low

It is a fine example of most government entities. They don’t have to make a profit, their existence is not beholden to customers so they can treat people like dirt. Even if this is extreme and petty these agencies are paid for by us and can at least be helpful and provide a minimum level of service. However the DMV

The things said on here are the exact same things Republicans say about Democrats. Party first, the economy will tank, etc. Guess what, the vast majority regardless of party are crooked politicians! They will always be self serving and two faced. Holding one party up as more virtuous than the other is a fool’s game,

I see Furby has evolved.

So first Trumps cabinet was too like minded and rich and now they are not cohesive enough? Come on, good leaders normally surround themselves with people who may clash with them and have strong opinions, nothing new.

Whenever I see a movie this bad being made I remember Patton Oswalt talking about “Deathbed: The Bed That Eats People.” Someone actually started writing the script, had doubts and POWERED THROUGH THEM.

Looks like a beat up work Jeep that someone threw all their spare parts into. Neat idea but who knows how reliable. 5K max.

Can’t help but speculate but, will democrats ever stop with the whining and butt hurt? Like Obama said elections have consequences. Don’t like it? Get out and vote in 4 years.

It’s funny for the chorus of petulant whiners. Senate election in 2 years and presidential in 4. Don’t like the current state of affairs then vote next time. As Obama said, elections have consequences.

I can’t imagine you were alive during the cold war, you would have been long dead from stress and anxiety. No one is going to start a nuclear war not named North Korea. Mutually assured destruction. Unless Trump is indeed the antichrist but a change in administration does not exactly equal nuclear war, quite a jump.

Agree with a previous poster, unless it comes with a 100K bumper to bumper no exceptions warranty forget it. IMO Jeep ceased being tough as nails when the last real Cherokee rolled off the line (2001). I have had friends and family with Jeep issues such as transmissions failing before 30K and horns that started