
People made a huge deal about Bush Jr.receiving Cs in college when Gore’s transcripts were even worse. It is called fair play. Also in fairness I have never seen a sitting president attack the opposition in this way in an election. You could say it is because of Trump, which is fair, I am no fan. However can you

Top marks, I remember when serious TV personalities acted like adults, not petulant children.

I was watching a car show the other day where they were replacing the air intake on a late 90's M3. They explained that there is a butterfly valve in the air intake and that the pin is known to just FALL OUT and get sucked into the engine ruining it, WHAT?! This is at sub 100K, holy design flaw!

So will Nikola and Tesla eventually merge?

15? I was not able to drive on my own legally until I was 16. Before that you could have a learner’s permit but an adult had to be in the car. Is the driving age lower in TX?

Don’t even ask, these hacks will get all out of sorts and try to snark you to death if you point out their partisan ways, The funny thing is they hate Trump and Pence and think that Hillary and Kaine actually care about them. Hah! They don’t give a damn about you, every one, dem or GOP.

Not into either the turd sandwich(Hillary) or giant douche(Trump), just don’t want to see it here. Does everything have a damn slant these days. Politics is largely BS, a waste of time.

Watch it man the touchy crowd is out today. They can’t take someone challenging their partisan views. I dared to say keep politics off Jalopnik and the Gawker express tried to shout me down.

Just sick of seeing politics everywhere, here, ESPN, its mostly a bunch of BS anyway.

Never mentioned Fox news, obsess much?

Nice one internet tough guy. Here to talk about cars not politics. Sorry for expressing an opinion on a blog.

Just asking to keep the partisan political stuff of Jalopnik. I don’t vote by how fun a candidate is, this is not an election for HS class president.

Not sure what asking for no politics on Jalopnik or at least balanced reporting has to do with being fun at parties but rest assured I don’t party with snarky, partisan people.

A wrangler with 42o ft-lbs of torque? I’ll take it!

So I’m assuming we will get a whimsical puff piece about Mike Pence? I watched the video assuming it might have some material related to the article or cars at least but apparently not. What is this? Can we keep the politics off Jalopnik please or at least keep it balanced? Thank you!

Fortune favors the bold.

It is called an opinion, some people in this country still have them. However you are free to accept the victim mentality and wonder why you are a failure.

Ok, then go through life blaming any failures on discrimination. All I was saying is in my experience people who blame their failures on other people and accept a victim mentality have already sealed their fate. I have seen office politics work unfairly but guess what, that is life! I have seen people undeserving of

You do realize it is already illegal to pay a woman a different wage than a man for the same job right? Besides that please let me know how women are second class citizens in the eyes of the law. I have worked in companies with woman CEOs, most of my supervisors have been women and they were all very capable. The most

Most conservatives have no problem with a woman president, just as most don’t have a problem with a black president. Yet you have fallen for the divisive rhetoric. Most conservatives don’t like Hillary because she is downright untrustworthy and represents everything wrong with politics.