
I cannot wait for this little fraud to just fade away. I don’t like his music but I respect him for it. However he is no genius and his insufferable, self absorbed and frankly childish attitude negates any respect he may have earned.

Looks like a Daewoo.

Please explain how it makes it radically harder as we are lifting sanctions, giving them money, allowing them to inspect their own facilities and they have already violated the agreement. Do you know the difference between a useless piece of paper and reality?

The titanic was not an engineering failure, it was actually bean counters/ optical illusions/radio operator error that sunk it. First off the bulkheads in the first 7 sections were supposed to go all the way up. They did not because bean counters wanted to open the upper decks up more to get more passengers for more

Didn’t know this guy was in auto parts, I bet they are too much.

Capitalism is not the problem, human greed is. Most people conducting business are honorable and are not so short sighted as to cheat their clients. There will always be scumbag Madoffs and scammers like this guy but they do get caught. In more centrally controlled societies those in control are just as greedy, and

Although you are a fool or have no options left if you get a payday loan, this is a clear example of a Billionaire praying on the most desperate and poor among us. What a scumbag.

“You may not need a 27 litre Merlin v-12, but at least you know there is room under the hood if you want it.”

If Putin and Conan O’Brien had a kid.....

If it was $49000 in rubles (US $615) I would say YES!

Oh but it is. Funny how many politicians get rich off “public” service.

Wow I can’t believe I’m still arguing with someone who is so immature. Educate me on what? All you have done is repeat the f word constantly and act like a whiny brat. Winning is everything? Even if the person who wins is a crook and a liar who will not support your interests? She is owned by wall street and foreign

Probably the 15 fucks you used in a short paragraph and then you addressed no issues, you just thought Hillary was so cool for dodging responsibility and then getting indignant about it. That is how a child would react, that is why I asked. Clearly you are biased and even when many dems know Hillary doesn’t smell

Just the response I would expect from a child, addressed none of my points and just regurgitated some snark. Is that you Hillary? Grow up.

I thought LeBlanc was just hosting their race segment reruns, I did not realize he will be a full time host. This definitely improves my expectations.

I like it, I remember reading a while ago how oddly receptive Volvos are to Ford and GM V8s. Of course hot snakes can lead to other things.

Let some one else make your decisions for you! The new youth movement in America.

Small percentage, SMALL percentage? Come to DC my friend, even 50 year old librarians on bikeshares treat red lights like suggestions. Sidewalk, middle of the road during rush hour, they think they take priority over everything when they are really a nuisance that slows traffic. Does it alleviate congestion? Not

So you are also immature, snarky and think you are better than regular people? congrats.

Yes she stonewalled and refused to answer serious questions. She doesn’t have to answer for anything, what a rock star. Is that really what you consider responsible leadership and adult behavior? Being snarky and dismissive? Grow up. This cult of personality around people like Clinton, Obama and Trump is sickening.