Angus T. McButterpants

So good!

Why would it be nice for you if someone else studied something other than English Literature (a legitimate major)? Why exactly do you care besides the fact that you come across as someone who clearly has not read many books. As of now, I don't see trolling as a viable major, so you're out of luck.

I'm pretty sure sentient beings living in a feedlot standing in a foot of their own shit, unable to turn around their entire lives because it's cost effective until they are finally executed so McDonald's can still make a profit off of a .99 cent double cheeseburger are suffering a lot more than a mushroom. Also, I

First of all the Big Mac has only one slice of cheese, on the very bottom. Second, he doesn't eat beef. Third, the Big Mac beef is dog food grade garbage.

I live in Seattle and I've never heard of "Seattle style" salmon. Is it served that way at a particular restaurant?

If those kids were any more inbred, they'd be a sandwich.

No, you are 100% correct and don't worry, your humour detector is fully intact.

No, Minday Kaling is awful and every second watching her is like being slowly melted in HCL. Just accept you are wrong and she is terrible, her show is terrible and you sir, might just be terrible.

I don't find Mindy Kaling and her brand of humor funny and/or interesting. She just annoys the shit out of me.

The A.V. Club: Turned off before it's over.

Erectile dysfunction corpse just doesn't have the same ring to it.

I find him somehow even less funny than Adam Sandler. He can't act at all, he can only play Seth Rogen, with that grating obnoxious laugh.

I agree the whole story is absolutely terrible.

I liked him in the supremely weird Clifford where he is clearly a middle aged man playing a boy and his uncle is Charles Grodin. Check out at about the two minute mark when Grodin yells "Act like a human boy!". It cracks me up every time.…

Have you seen the scene where the puppy goes off an 80 foot cliff? There is no way it survived. This is not up for dispute in any way. Many people have verified that the assholes that made this film killed a shitload of cats and dogs. It's not even remotely xenophobic. A Japanese film company made a movie and

It was a Japanese film that made a ton of money so they re-edited it for American audiences. There are no animal cruelty laws for filming in Japan and it later came to light that dozens of Milo and Otis's were killed during filming. It's pretty obvious that the cat falling off the waterfall did not survive and they


In the mid-nineties my punk band killed the sound guy in the middle of a show in Portland, but it turns out he just had a heart attack from overdosing on meth. Rock on!

Nickelback fan, eh?

The Beatles are the most overrated band of all time.