Angus T. McButterpants

Fox New Tries, and Fails at Everything.

You can never get enough takes for Steven Soderburg.

Man, Gish and Siamese Dream are awesome. Siamese Dream is my favorite 90's album, but they lost me with this one.

As is all Family Guy. Seth McFarlane is a hack.

Also, Family Guy sucks giant ass. It has never been funny and never will. Whenever I meet someone that watches Family Guy I know they have shit taste and the boorish manners of a Yalie.

I can't stand his movies. I know a lot of people love him, but they are about as funny as an Adam Sandler movie to me. Robin Hood: Men in Tights might be the least funny movie I've ever seen, or partially seen since I walked out 3/4 of the way through.

Fucking Bob Dylan. I know he's great, but every single word he sings is like nails on a chalkboard.

Man, he was back on point for The Grand Budapest Hotel. That movie is amazing.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Poop

Yom Kippur?

That album cover is creepy as fuck.

Welcome to Earf!

I love the episode where they eat the hallucinogenic berries and trip balls.

Pacific Rim-Job


I'm from Chicago. The midwest sucks. That is all.

Tyler Perry's: Diary of a Mad Black Krueger: A Movie by Tyler Perry

The second I see the words Kristen Stewart I'm out. She's a petulant robot that constantly looks tired.