Angus T. McButterpants

Like obviously brand new jet skis rubbed down with a little grease to look dystopian? There is no excuse for that kind of detail in a 170 mil movie.

If you make it wet, people will come.

That honor goes to Kristen Stewart AKA Petulant Robot

Didn't you give this steaming pile of shit a B review? You're fired Ignatiy Vishnevetsky. I got it free from Redbox and I still feel somehow ripped off.

It's a car…. of fap.

Studs Terkel is dead.

Playing at a Hot Topic near you!

Yes, 407.

Obama’s count is 125 full or partial days off and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407 full or partial days off.

Go the comments section of any conservative site that has written about this and the most common insult is "libtards actually think this is a real new show". Really, a show on Comedy Central with a live studio audience?

I got this as a gag gift, it was fun for about 3 minutes.


It's got electrolytes!

I feel sorry for him. It's creepy how much time he spends commenting first.

What the fuck, let's feed our fat kids McDonald's.

I was on a flight to Australia where they showed "First Kid". Twice. Where were the terrorists then?

It's an old Onion story that I was referencing.

The dancing bear stickers are now probable cause for vehicular searches in 13 states.

Their hate has made them powerful. They let the hate flow through them.

Yeah, I love it. It so weird and stilted in the best possible way.