Angus T. McButterpants

Denny is one creepy motherfucker.

This column is tearing me apart, Lisa!

Yeah, me too. It looks like Kirribilli and some in Chinatown. I was going to UTS at the time.

Two men enter, one man leaves.

I was always surprised how many US tv characters/celebrities are used in Aussie ads that aren't aired in the US.

There is zero chocolate in Reese's Pieces. It's just sweetened peanut butter in a candy shell. Just sayin'.

I was in South Minneapolis, it's the flattest place I've ever seen. It didn't go up or down 6 inches in elevation for 20 miles in any direction.

It makes it really hard for him to wear hats.

But how does he feel about sand?

Attaching a wire to a lightning rod and running it into your apartment sounds like a brilliant idea! What could possibly go wrong?

It depends on the geography. In pool table flat Minneapolis I got PBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, CW and CBS in full HD with a $60 plug in powered antenna. In very hilly Tacoma I get PBS. I got Click cable (one of the few government owned cable companies) and it gives me 21 HD channels for $28 a month and it includes a DVR.

I went to see that based on his review and it was fucking terrible. Ridiculous in all the wrong ways.

Heroin addicts don't necessarily want to die, they want the rush that only intravenous drug use can provide and to get really, really high. Cheap, strong heroin is an epidemic here in Seattle right now.

How "Courthole" is even remotely clever or funny is beyond me. This sounds like an insane tea party rant from a Fox news thread. Thanks for dumbing it down.

Please go away forever.

He was born to spend every waking second to make the first jejune post on every AV Club article. Canceraids to you sir.

I love you Turtlehead. Do you need a hug?

I wasn't trying to get you to change your mind, just informing you that you have bad taste.

Well, that does explain Pootie Tang.

Many, many people would disagree with you. I love his singing, it's very distinctive. Same goes for Ian Curtis of Joy Division. He wouldn't make it through the first audition for American Idol but I love his unique voice. He's hardly a talent-less hack as the band is adored by critics and their many devoted fans,