
Just because something costs a lot doesn’t mean it isn’t tacky tacky tacky.

Not using turn signals. Especially on a road with a center turn lane. Your dumb ass is parked there in the middle of the road with no signal, I don’t know if you’re trying to turn left into a business, or are using the turn lane as a merge lane and may dart to the right into traffic.

This one is still overpriced, the one in Jersey is REALLY overpriced.

Say what you will about Corvette build quality, apparently the damn things can take some abuse and keep going. Will John Wick drive a Stingray in the next movie?

Rider neglected to go back and kill the damn thing.

You can hear the Peugeot driver lay on the horn almost as soon as the Morgan pulls out, totally Morgan driver’s fault. 

Cuomo was driving?

Do as I say, not as I do.

So VW’s going to sell the new Atlas, a new bigger Tiggerwan, and then the old Tiggerwan as well?

I like how the West Shore Regional PD gave the guy an award for driving at a safe speed.

If Erin drove a Saturn for eight years then she clearly doesn’t give a fuck about what she drives. Just lease a Nissan Versa.

No Civic Si hatch? No thanks. Then again, doesn’t matter. 205hp isn’t enough to compensate for how hideous this thing looks. For that much money I’ll take the GTI.

If you know where Ford’s selling GT 350s for $11.5, I’ll buy one for each of us.

Doesn’t look like the buck jumped over anyone, just darted between two riders. Certainly didn’t jump over a “flock of motorcyclists.”

Props for calling that ugly-assed Tesla Model X a minivan.

Found this in related posts, do you always follow up a Lincoln luxo-barge with an Esprit the next day?

After sitting idle for three years, isn’t this thing going to require a couple hundred thousand dollars of service before driving?

There are three possibilities here.

Did someone trick you into clicking on a post about the Dodge Demon? Were you expecting a Prius review?

I remember a Car & Driver tire test from back in the day, and they used an X-11 as the FWD performance car for the test. It was a damn fine car for its time.