
Could we try to limit it to just one horrific science-fiction dystopia at a time, please?

Aw, crap. Have I been doing it wrong all these years?

Well, I’m glad someone finally posted something that reflects the true spirit of Valentine’s Day.

If the timeline were a little different, they could have had “Riddick” instead of “Chronicles of Riddick”, and then everything would make sense: that whole creepy, rapey subplot with Katee Sackhoff would be just the thing to speed adolescent Christian Grey along on his way to becoming a creepy, rapey adult.

Donald Trump eats pizza with a fork. What is it about the super-rich? Do they just think they’re too good to eat with their hands or something?

Moral: if you interfere with Hawa’s reading, she’s going to end you.

Top tip for surviving a plane crash: be somewhere else when it happens.

“In post-Soviet Russia, Avengers assemble YOU!”

Reading it reminded me of Harrison Ford’s line to George Lucas: “George, you can type this shit, but you sure as hell can’t say it.” Whoever did the editing here, they definitely improved the script by trimming away the excess.

That didn’t last long: Amazon Prime in the US now reports “The Expanse” as ‘Unavailable’. No word on when or if it will be back.

He’s already in an auto-tuned musical. What more do you want, you monster?

“Autotuned Star Wars musical finally gives us Darth Jar Jar Binks.”

It’s rare that you see such a short sentence packed with so many horrifying concepts.

Looks like he’s done a load of that MFA stuff all the kids are on these days. It’s a helluva drug.

It’s not just valuables you should keep out of checked bags. Ideally, you need to make sure that your carry-on (plus whatever you’re wearing/carrying in your pockets) includes everything you’ll need for the first day or two at your destination. This should include a change of underwear and any clothing specific to

Personally, I’m looking forward to the sequel, “Rogue One 2". And just imagine the fun when people start saying things like “Are you going to see Rogue One 2 too?”

The whole ‘hand clone’ thing skeeves me more than a little.

“I know you’re my father.”
“Rey, I’d like to be. But the truth is that your father is ... my right hand.”
“Listen, dad ... I may have grown up in near-total isolation on a backwater planet with no one but that creepy Plutt guy to talk to, but even I know that’s

Apparently Anakin Skywalker was a virgin birth, the midichlorians having knocked up Shmi S. in some not very well-explained fashion. Rey has obviously gone one step further by having no parents at all. The Force isn’t just strong in her, it is her.

Joking aside, I think Maz Kanata’s line “That lightsaber was Luke’s.

Never mind the concept art, immediately to the right of the guy in the fuzzy boots is what appears to be a life-size armless mannequin in a mask, whose general appearance — what you can see of it — seems pretty similar to the art.

Based on what you’ve said, I’m guessing that figure is Anakin too. But it could be Bane,

Just stop, 2016, just stop.

They had you in mind, but Sean Connery was the special script advisor.