
Ironically, “what’s tracking you” turns out to be ... Apple.

I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted one time to see you melting
I only want to see you melting in the iron rain

Iron rain, iron rain ...

“Fast live, young die, and a good-looking corpse make.”

RIP indeed. “Blake’s 7” was formative sci-fi for me, and Darrow, maybe even more than Gareth Thomas, set the tone for the series and made it more than just the sum of its plywood sets and often janky special effects.

Air travel is one of Nature’s ways of reminding you that people are selfish imbeciles. If you doubt this, the proof is not people standing in the aisles when the plane is about to take off; it’s the people getting their carry-on out of the overhead lockers when the plane has just crashed.

“We’re gonna build a ball, and Alpha Centauri is gonna pay for it.”

“Mom bought me a Wookiee action figure for Life Day, but it ripped the arms off all my other toys.”

I want a film where the monster gets access to the protagonist’s phone and starts a software update. As the progress bar creeps slowly across, the signal level indicator flickers between 3 bars and 1, the battery slips slowly into the red zone until finally the phone reboots ... and just goes to a spinning progress

You’re talking about an initial fall of (potentially) anything from 30-150ft into the water, depending on the size of the ship and which deck you fall from. In extreme cases, the fall itself could be fatal; in most cases, the impact might very likely stun or injure you, affecting your ability to keep yourself afloat.

Dog with cancer gets new, 3D-printed titanium skull” sounds like an elevator pitch for a new superhero movie.

That would actually be sort of awesome. The world is overdue for some good sliderulepunk SF. With atomic steak knives. I’d watch it.

You are not wrong. Brian Croucher, who took over from Stephen Greif, was pretty terrible in the role. He has a long and distinguished acting career, so I’m sure he’s a fine actor, but he really wasn’t the right person to fill Travis’s shiny leather space-boots. By the time he was finished off -- in, as you say, a dumb

Total agreement on Pearce’s brilliance in the role; she took a strong, interesting character and brought it to life magnificently.

I heard that there aren’t enough male actors in Hollywood to play all the (almost exclusively) male characters in “Foundation”, so Scarlett Johansson is going to play Hari Seldon.

I jest, I jest. Of course there are female characters in “Foundation”. Why, the first one enters the story as early as chapter 5 of part V.

Online petitions have a poor track record, but this is one that should have been granted.

“You want to drink the stinky sewage corpse water? Go right ahead. Be my guest.”

Sometimes you just have to call people’s bluff ...

Food critics report that the cheese pairs well with a nice glass of the mysterious red liquid from the black sarcophagus.

Meh. Characters in “Game of Thrones” are like goldfish. You can’t get too attached to them.

No real point learning their names when they’re just going to get boiled in their own intestines in a couple of episodes. I wouldn’t feel bad about it if I were you.

“A dog comes when called. A cat will take a message and get back to you.” — Mary Bly

“It is your birthday. Collect a crysknife in the back from all the other players.”

You realize that this will inevitably lead to “Megnado”, which, in case the name doesn’t make it obvious, is “Sharknado” with megalodons.

Sharks the size of 747s raining down on Manhattan! I get chills just thinking about it.