
That looks like something you might get if a daddy orrery and a mummy armillary sphere loved each other very, very much ...

It looks as if the lenses do focus or direct light in various directions. Perhaps it’s designed to project light onto other surfaces — onto an outsize calendar, for example. Or perhaps it’s the

Well, it looks as if my plan to deal with the eventual octopus rebellion by shutting them all in screw-topped jars isn’t going to work. But maybe if we just all wear white all the time, they won’t be able to see us clearly ...

“Before Hitomi, there were two separate attempts to send a microcalorimeter into space, and both ended in strange accidents.”

You think that’s chance? Wake up, man. ‘They’ don’t want us to know the truth about black holes. Who’s ‘they’? It’s Big Singularity, of course, man. Get too close to the truth, they’ll put you

I don’t know what the books have to say on the subject. But I think ‘gyroscope’ must have originated with someone who said “Oh, thing spinning around other things: gyroscope!” The words ‘armillary sphere’ aren’t really in most people’s vocabularies. I’d actually forgotten the term myself until @leclerc reminded me of

I hate to be the one to have to break this to you all.

Thank you for providing the name, which I’d forgotten. Yes, the ‘gyroscopes’ look very much like armillary spheres. They even — to go by the examples I can find using Google Image Search — have symbols apparently representing astronomical bodies on them.

Gyroscopes, you say?

George Martin has an interest in solar systems with complex dynamic characteristics. For example, his novel “Dying of the Light” is set on a world that is moving out of the warm part of the habitable zone around a star, and entering a period of darkness and cold.

I see the “That’s no moon!”, “Uranus” and “heavenly body” jokes have already been made. It looks like all I’m left with is something weak about “Dat ass(tronomy)”.

“Chewbacca: The Movie”: set entirely on the Wookiee home planet. Lots of dialogue. No subtitles.

“Witness Me: Immortan Joe’s Wild Teenage Years”

I think these weren’t the only instances of massacres at feasts. I remember reading about a case where two Viking (I think) groups finally made a truce after years of fighting. At the celebration dinner afterwards, members of the two groups were seated on benches alternately, so each was sitting next to a member of

Unless the clonemakers did some tinkering, the clones share 100% of Jango’s DNA. So they’re effectively Jango’s identical twin brothers. (And when I say ‘twin’, I actually mean billiontuplet, but you get the idea).

That would make them Boba’s uncles, not his brothers.

Oops, forgot about that. Well, I’m sure Boba’s a big-hearted guy. He can learn to overlook a little thing like that.

One of his dads. But the way I look at it, there were about a zillion clones, so he could have a new dad any time he wanted. And if one wouldn’t buy him ice cream or a new X-Wing, er, Xbox, well, he could always find one that would.

I like to imagine that Mace Windu and Boba Fett are just chilling together somewhere, while everyone else runs around in a flat panic.

“After that freaky old dude threw me out of a window, I asked myself, I said, Mace, is this what you want to be doing with your life? And I thought, you know, it really isn’t. Sure,

All suavely evil people are honorary Brits.

“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.” — Mark Twain

The more you tighten your grip, the more crumbs will accumulate in the bottom of the toaster.

“Our financial worries are over! Look at all these quarters I just found down the back of the couch!”

Is that a bear-mitzvah? Yeah, that was a pun they did well to leave on the cutting room floor.

“Winter fashions are coming.”