
Hollywood sources said that if "Wunderland" is successful, it may pave the way for a spinoff series called "Down the Rabbit Hole", pairing the fussy, uptight, perpetually-anxious White Rabbit with his screwball cousin, the March Hare. The series will also feature regular appearances by a trippy shroom-dealer called

Ha! Radagast the Brown! Radagast the Bird-Tamer! Radagast the Simple! Radagast the Fool!

This is viral marketing for the Seagull Edition of the GoPro HDHero. The Seagull Edition comes with special 'beak-friendly' controls, a new lightweight casing that reduces the camera weight to the point where it can be carried by any large seabird (Herring Gull, Greater Black-Backed Gull, Great Skua, and most

This at least has the advantage that, unlike cryogenically-frozen bodies, your plastic brain won't be edible. I picture the survivors of the Great Star Vole Catastrophe of 2098 saying "Man, we wouldn't have made it through the Dark Years if it hadn't been for those deep-frozen snacks that previous generations had

Some guy called 'angusm' posted a translation over on BoingBoing:

It's actually a massage device, which claims to prevent sagging, enlarge small breasts, shrink large breasts, and generally meet all your personal breast-care needs.

(reading 23&me results) "Wow, some of the names that researchers give to genes are really wacky. This one's called URSoFukt - I wonder what the implications of having that in your results are?"

Is there something in the Motion Picture Production Code that says that any film that involves punching or shooting people must have at least one scene set in a strip club? Or is it just a cost-saving measure on the part of the producers, on the grounds that it fills up three minutes of the film at almost no cost (no

I don't know about zombies who ride motorcycles, but I think all of us have had some experience of zombies who drive cars.

I was thinking "massive doses of Prozac in the water supply", but your ideas are good too.

Now picture them all in shells made of Lego bricks:

As I see it, Braddock brought it on himself.

Smashing roaches to pulp with a shoe works pretty well, though. I'd bet that if you can find a big enough shoe, the same trick would work for zombies too.

The bull of Phalaris reminded me of's "Furnace of Yiggoth":

Four minutes into the eight minute drum solo at the only Rush concert I ever went to, the guy behind me turned to his friend and said "You know, if he practiced, he could be quite good."

Rule 34.

A friend has a T-shirt with an image that looks like one of the Ishihara test images, but instead of numbers it just has text that reads "Fuck the colorblind".

Spoiler: in the next season, Walter takes a leaf out of Lance Armstrong's book and starts an organization called KillStrong, with the goal of inspiring cancer sufferers by showing them how much you can achieve even if you're terminally ill.

When I was apartment hunting in Paris, I was shown a ground-floor apartment in a fairly old building in Rue Royer Collard, in the Quartier Latin. In the middle of the living room was what I took to be a table, covered by a tablecloth. "Oh, that's not a table," said the agent, "that's the well." She lifted the

As the oceanic ecosystem collapses, jellyfish populations are probably going to expand to take the place of the bony fishes. I'm told that squid are also hardy, and may benefit from reduced predation by fish.