Angus Burger

What are old people ACTUALLY for. Jesus.

It's a good job it weasn't muhammed.

@Fenlain: Fair enough 2004. Still looks like shit.

Don't normally care about grpahics but wow, that looks very 1998.

It doesn't look half bad. It certainly doesn't look like a tomb raider game though.

Games are too hard, they're too long, and they provide way too much stuff.

I took one look at these and instantly saw Resistance: FOM.

Excellent news. I hope all pirates catch a spontaneous vomiting disease. I hope they then vomit in their mother's face, all over their dog and all over themselves, before drowning alone and unwanted under a bridge somewhere.

Dear Sony,

If there is a moral here surely it is: dont stand out in the middle of the street next to guys with AK's when there is a war on.

@Kanik: Really couldnt agree more.

@ELUNO: I dont like anything by Rodriguez. I was quoting a scene from Predator.

@James Henderson: I thought immediately on seeing that headline that Cornell's failure of a career since Soundgarden is cause for suicide.

What happened to you Rodriguez? You used to be someone I could trust.

The fact that you might need a connection to a server to play this game means that if I want to play it in ten years time I cant if the server isnt up.