Angus Burger

What obvious rubbish. When I was at school the main thing that got in the way of my stuides was having to go to school! I was constantly held back and made to listen to pointless droning and repetitive nonsense from adults who long ago lost contact with anything remotely like the adult working world. Sitting in

What a great way to subconsiously suggest to people that Starcraft2 will be well supported and therefore worth buying. Desptite the fact of course that it is a dull rehash of a 15 year old game.

Wow, soon they'll have to draw the pictures themselves.

Oh god. I'm not sure about anyone else but I am fairly sure that I play war themed games BECAUSE of all the shooting. War themed games grew fropm simple target shooting games, not from simple war story and morality games. Leave my violent, frantic, immature shooting games alone you whiny liberal hippy b^stards!!!!

ALERT: This is a description of the AMERICAN update to PSN. I ran home at lunchtime to start download and we don't have Grandia in the UK because Sony are a bunch of XXXXX.

I wanted it at release date for PS3. Then I found out it was happening. Once I had read the reveiws and seen that actually it was rubbish I'm now not bothered. I wont even pick this up for a fiver.

Who cares, if they can prove that he is a pirate then he should be going to prison.

The words "Start now" are pointless. You have already started, you are planning the activity. There FTFY. Productivity in 9 Words

Man, this looks weak I'm sorry to say. No hit locations on ships. Panda pilots! Please tell me that these arent the final graphics! That blue blob is supposed to be a ship?

Grandia Grandia Grandia!!! How much longer do we have to wait!! Sony are going to miss a sale soon, there are loads of pre-owned on Ebay.

Please if anyone finds evidence that any work is being done to open up the PS3 to pirating games then quickly hang those responsible from the nearest tree.

Great until you put your PSP down on the lawn.

Why do all MMOs look so boring? That has to be the dullest environment that I have seen in a game for years.

Looks like they need to start paying games developers on a par with movie actors and directors.

I played Modern warfare 1 for about 12 hours total, including multiplayer. Bad Comapny has so far had a solid 243 hours of play from me. I actually had to hide the game twice to stop me playing it.

@(Starman) #number257: I don't think they would have gone for it. Most of them would have just seen Snake as a capitalist puppet.