
This feels a like a strange kind of exoticism. At this level of fashion, non-models are a kind of Other, and clothes at this price point are CLEARLY not directed at the mass market. Having non-models walk in Paris Fashion Week seems like definition of "the charm of the unfamiliar".

I fear I am losing my eyesight, because the models look like models. *shrug* Good for them, I guess, for looking.. female. And human. While walking with srs face.

Those clothes though. I don't even know what all that mess is. Or the mess that most accurately resembles my terrible haircut from 9th grade, what I fondly

I hate that we call non-models "real women," like models are bred in a factory somewhere and aren't also real women.

Anybody remember the Craigslist rapist who posed as a doctor and raped dozens of women? He got convicted of one or two rapes, in part because the jurors found that the victims didn't behave in a way they understood. Many of the women refused to say they were raped, continued to date him, and at least in one case,

Why is it that false accusations only have negative repercussions for victims of sexual assault? This rational does not follow for any other type of crime. People have been wrongly accused for every crime in the code; yet, those cases remain isolated- they never become generalized to dismiss our belief that these

I don't know what the best method to determine guilt or innocence in a rape accusation is, but can we all agree that social media is not it?

But oh no! If boys see that they can stay home and raise kids their children will think that's normal and men and women will get the idea that gender roles are crap. And women might get uppity and want to be the primary breadwinner.
People might be happy. What would happen? Dogs and cats, living together!

Being just for equal rights all around sounds good on paper. It doesn't work in reality because the label 'equalist' ignores the fact that some demographic groups are more privileged and powerful than others. That's why we need feminism and not the MRM. That's why we need movements for LGBTQ rights and not one for

Except it is, though.

Incorrect. It's irrefutable proof that the accused's DNA was found in the victim. It doesn't tell us jack shit about whether the activity that got it there was consensual.

that issue also goes a lot deeper than gender issues as well. It comes down to what is the role of a post-secondary education, especially a general BA or a BSc.

Phrasing the gender gap in universities the way it is presupposes that a bachelors degree occupies the same role it did 20 years ago.

Let's try inserting some facts into this conversation. Show me one real life instance where a man was sentenced to a prison term in the absence of any evidence, including from the rape kit suggesting an assault had occurred. I'll wait.

Look! A sighting in the wild of your basic free - range MRA. Note the identifying characteristics:
1. Straw feminist accusations about rape;
2. The fixation on rape;
3. The rock hard belief that accusing rape is done for shits and giggles.
4. The telltale signs of the guilty conscience.
5. Note how they believe that ALL

Yes, you also see more articles about mannequins than about simply maternity leave as well as family leave.

I see your legal expertise comes from television dramas. DNA is not a requirement for conviction of any criminal for any crime (the justice system is not CSI or NCIS), and the victim and the accused are witnesses to the incident. The jury then weighs their testimonies (the evidence) against each other.

Feminism is also interested in all those issues as well.

Confession time: when I was in high school, I called myself a masculinist, and thought that I was the smartest dude in the world for coming up with that. I reasoned that there are significant and serious issues facing men, and the women that fight for women are called feminists, and so we'd need a similar term for

You're tiresome. Try taking off your ill-fitting and inappropriate victim goggles and doing some actual reading about the reality of rape prosecution, then come back and join the adults in conversation.

When I told my boyfriend about the existence of men's rights groups, he said, "I don't get it. Don't we already have all the rights?"

I feel the same way about this as I did about the Bill Nye vs. Ken Hamm business. Including MRA's as though they have any sort of constructive point to make gives them an implied legitimacy that they don't deserve.