
5 MONTHS?!?! 

Preeeetty victim-blamey there. 

I think she might be too your to know half those songs!


Yes, there are many blind people who would not and do not want a cure.

I wouldn't. Guess you've met one now.

Sounds like NTs discussing autistics.

Why did he even have a tuba if he was just pretending to be in the band?! 

I sort of figured that it was because once she is out and the pop-up is gone, they can rent what was her apartment on Air B&B instead whilst using pretty much the same gimmick.

I have to say, I took her comments on people walking out as empathetic rather than judging. I thought she was more saying that continuing to watch something that is causing you pain/triggers/anxiety etc. is not worth it and leaving is a form of self-care and she understands that. Perhaps your interpretation is more

You clearly just haven't been eating enough Care Bears. I think they're in season at the moment.

See No women sounded interesting; is it just men? Just Intersex people? Are trans men around? Does it investigate the complex inter-relationships of gay, bi, asexual and straight men etc.? But nah. It's a hetero world with 'very few women'. Of course. Why would anyone hope otherwise.

I’ve never had a one-night-stand. Can't quite see the point in them, myself. But I hope Annie got to have as many as she wanted.

So the likelihood of Average Anna's marriage working out is nearly 70%?! Wow! Sounds like she's doing pretty well for herself.

*Whispers* X stands for Lillith. 😂

So I know he’s an adult and everything but is everyone else squicked by the fact that the son, whos mother was shot right in front of him, also has to have her murderer as his stepmother?

Don’t make me agree with fucking PETA, you dickwads!


I can’t take meds and coffee just seems to help me sleep! LOL. I do enjoy it though. Mmmm tasty.

Good thing we don’t have more ‘organic’ farms! The grandfathered pesticides they use are a nightmare.