Nice to know Westworld has...uh... filled the void left by Spartacus.
Nice to know Westworld has...uh... filled the void left by Spartacus.
I guessed! LOL. Certainly doesn’t describe the anger everyone is feeling sufficiently. I couldn’t think of a better word for it either, though, so I think the point still got across.
Sadly, that is what a lot of NT/able bodied parents think of their kids. :(
Did you misread my comment? I know we are all running low on patience. So I get it when someone does decide to go after the kids. I’m not judging anyone for that. I find it hard as a (perhaps) fellow ‘retard’ when I hear that coming from our own communities, though. I also know that society is currently there. I would…
Eh, as a lesbian ‘retard’ I don’t count as a person either, but I really don’t think that insulting someones kids is the direction we want to be moving in as a society. That said, I can understand the desire to do it and the anger behind it.
I assume we would have had a list of the men we have to thank as well, if it wasn’t for the fact that the entire internet would have shut down merely from the length of the article.
‘So you scream from behind your. door. Say “what’s mine is mine and not yours.” I may have to much but I’ll take my chances ‘cause God’s stopped keeping score...’ At least he didn’t have to see what’s to come.
Urgh, me too. I love that fucking album so hard.
Urgh, yeah. They were horrific for a whole different reason! Execution as public amusement is just horrible. :(
Really? Hmmm. I tend to assume that people are not superstitious enough to believe a year is *literally* cursed unless they make that very clear in the rest of their post. Ho hum. Each to their own, I suppose! Not like we can do a poll to confirm either way. Perhaps it would be a new perspective for you to try so that…
Doesn’t everyone know that, though? It’s just hyperbolically humerous to *pretend* that it’s cursed. It’s a joke that helps to unify people in joint amusement about a shitty year, rather than dwelling on the bad stuff that has happened. And gives us a funny way to hope for better next year.
I’ve made my sacrifices to CThulhu, so I’m optimistic! ;)
That is a really good point! It’s so easy to forget other contributing factors when you are looking at stats. :)
Yeah, my OH has been to about 6 funerals this year, not including her dad and my aunt. We are being hyperbolic when we say ‘2016 - worst year evar!’ etc. but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a pretty awful year for a lot of us!
This appears to be the only year for a while in which we have had so many very-famous people die, though. In addition this year has given us Trump, Brexit, mainstream Nazism, Aleppo... so I think we have some degree of right to declare it a pretty shit year in general. No nuclear war *yet* so that’s a plus.
I had Norns! They were so cute.
I think generally it goes into a trust to look after them or the relatives sue for it. But legally, in the UK at least, everything goes to the spouse unless stated otherwise. Which is a tricky precedent if you are trying to counter-sue for the money. Plus robots may not actually *have* the same needs or rights as…
Eh, as long as she’s happy it’s all good! It does bring up an interesting moral/legal quandry though. If sex/relationship robots do become common and are able to get married, what happens to any money willed to them by a spouse/partner? Does it go to the robot? (Who presumably lacks human rights.) To the nearest human…
Its 2016, guys! We don’t need no stinkin’ ‘ocracies!
Right?! If you are so eager to kill someone, at least nut up (I like that!) and do it the most painless way. I could give a crap about your own damn squeamishness.