
Dude turned into *rain* for sexual kicks. Who does that?!? Crazy old bastard.

Yeah, I wonder about that myself.

I was confused about that too for sooo long. I think it can vary between countries but the founder of it thought that *all* illness was caused by ‘sublaxations’ which blocked something called ‘innate intelligence’ which is kind of like chi, I think. It was quite a revelation to discover that since I had always thought

I don’t know how this is a discussion. If you ignore or avoid medical proffesionals and ‘treat’ your child with woo, you are abusing that child. Full stop. The same applies if you shun vaccination or avoid doctors for ‘religious’ reasons. Do what you want as an adult but don’t risk kids.

They haven’t ‘gone that route’, though. Chiropractic is literally based and created on pseudoscience. It’s actually the ones that *don’t * embrace woo that are the outliers who are going against what their proffession advocates. It’s very disturbing.

The pegasi can just give the others a lift up, so I’m sure your elevator omission wasn’t too catastrophic!

*Shudder.* Don’t remind me!! In fact I am arguing with one of those self-same Tory voting idiots right now. Apparently disabled people get free cars & houses. Woopee, I better go pick up mine. Sorry. Derailed a bit there. You do make a good point. I would not want to wake up to that dystopian nightmare.

I dunno, it makes me pissed that I can’t even vote against this POS. Not that that helped much with the Tories, but at least I could *try* to keep them out!

I was born with a fauxhawk, so I guess the lesbianism was inevitable, really.

Hmm. Toileting in the way God intended....nice & natural...who wants to go fertilise her lawn? It’s the way of the animals!

Yeah, ditto. And I’m English, so I don’t think it’s fair to say that they are *only* more famous in the US. PS: I am a complete layman. Don’t think I’ve watched a tennis match in my life.

I thought he had a Trumpesque hairpiece at first!

Well, since we never send poor people with families to prison, that’s a great defence! Oh, wait...

I think I may have just had a subtextgasm.

She should have been considered to have served 40 years already, since having to live with that kind of abuse is it’s own prison.

For ‘nonpartisan’ read; ‘Republican’.

My main take from this is that you clearly have super-human self-control. You somehow managed to not punch Tenpenny or Wakefield in their smug, ableist faces.

So what scientific evidence was produced in the plaintiffs favour? Surely that’s a bit more relevant than an anecdote about how often it was used.

I would assume so, since there normally is with interviews etc. but I imagine that’s a secondary consideration.

Because then you don’t get the attention and monetary benefits that you crave?