
That’s the thing, we don’t know. If they instabanned without knowing what kinda joga it was then that was a little drastic. If they saw that it was edging that way or the teacher had a history of thqt and then banned it, then I’m in agreement.

I wouldn’t dream of it. Of course if people wear others cultures, you can bet I’m gunna think they’re a dick. I won’t tell them, coz dicks gonna dick and why should my opinion matter to them? But that doesn’t mean they aren’t being dicks.

I think that’s where they made a mistake in not looking into the class and how it’s run. (Assuming they didn’t, maybe they did & it was creepily appropriatey?) Possibly they will replace it with calisthenics or some such; no harm, no foul, no white people possibly profiting from the religious practices of others. That

I kinda actually agree with them? I mean, it’s highly subjective but it seems (to me, but I am an outsider) that a fair amount of yoga practitioners get caught up in the ‘eastern mystisicm’ thing & start wearing bindis and henna and all sorts of other forms of cultural appropriation. Which is pretty gross. So from

Even better, the Bible teaches that he did all of that *because* he loves you.

Disclaimer: I’m an atheist so I probably don’t know as much about religious orders as y’all. Aren’t nuns (or at least cloistered nuns) more akin to monks than priests? Hence the eschewing of worldly goods, very specific rules on haircuts, personal interactions, fasting etc. It seems like these would be considered

My mother told my sister she reminded her of the fat dancing hippos in Fantasia. My grandmother told my sister my parents only had her to fix their relationship but that it actually made it worse. Somehow my sister is the least screwed up of us four children, so god only knows what we’ve repressed! LOL.

Ooooh, so buttsex is just for smart people now?! Intellectual snob!! ;)

White Saviour Syndrome much? ‘Look at me and all my GOOD WORKS. You can’t argue with me. I SAVED you filthy people!!’ I guess director of a preschool is the new missionary. (Not the position. I hope.)

It’s that description. ‘Mind of a child’. He may be cognitively impaired in some areas but nobody has a mind like that of a child. Impairment just doesn’t work like that. We have no idea what he is thinking but is unlikely to be the same as your average child, since he has an adult body, life experience etc. etc. It’s

Like a rapist version of Rachel Dolezal.

Weird. *Sinks to knees* Damn you Kinjaaaaaa!!! ;)

See my earlier reply. TLDR: I can’t remember right now. Not enough spoons. But you can Google for more information.

I think I see what you are getting at! LOL. I can’t understand how rape, abuse, power over people etc. is a turn on either. But I would still very much bang my other half regardless of disability related matters. :P

Generally, I think you would point out the specific areas in which the person has deficits and those which are ‘standard’ (for want of a better word.) Honestly, I’m normally the one being described not the one doing the describing, and I can’t remember the good examples I’ve seen in the community at the moment. There

Not cool. I mean, I understand what you mean and until you or someone you love becomes disabled, it will probably continue to seem weird. But actually a persons ability to control their bladder etc. has little effect on whether they are sexually attractive. So.... understandable but still kinda not cool.

That’s it. Saying someone has ‘the mental age/capacity of...(a toddler, in this instance) is often disingenuous & very much frowned upon in the disabled community. Not Natasha saying it, of course, just quoting, but it’s always worth letting people know about these things. More awareness = less discrimination. :)

So exhausting I hadn’t even finished it when I posted! LOL.

OK. Using ‘mental age’ to indicate someone’s functional level is not cool. It’s ableist and you shouldn’t use it. But Facilitated Communication has been proven to be used fraudulently on multiple occasions. With the right user and the right interpreter it can work and give nonverbal people a more effective means of

RIGHT?! How do you not know who Julie Walters is?!