
And once again you post a hasty generalization without any evidence to back it up. You are by far the laziest concern troll on this site.

Libertarianism is just shifting power away from a government based on one-person, one vote to whomever has the most capital. Frightening.

Obama barely raised taxes and we got a close as we have ever gotten before universal health system. I guess that isn’t much if you are already able to pay for your health care needs.

Yeah those Scandavian nations are massive hell holes.

So I guess there is no need to trade now either. Are you supporting the trump tariff regime too? I would rather protectionism be through high standards for workers rights for all goods sold in the US which would effectively created a barrier to low wage manufacturing rather than tariffs which are essentially sales

Saez and Diamond estimate the revenue maximizing top marginal rate is at minimum 50% and maybe as high as 80%. That sounds pretty good to me.

Thanks for the encouragement! I’m feeling more confident the shitshow that is trump will help dispel the idea rich people know shit from shinola.

Spreading the wealth also worked out well for post WWII America, and is currently working out for other nations (you know the ones) :)

How do you fight against it?

Bill Gates has an idea to fix that. Tax the robot, just as you would a human employee.

Because Venezuela is so directly comparable to the United States, right? We’re practically sister nations.

I’ve worked in organizations with horrible leaders, and I’ve worked in organizations with great leaders.... Let me tell you, it makes a HUGE difference.

Is THIS world your ideal world? The one where veterans get treated poorly, there isn’t nearly enough mental health services, in parts of the country they have no drinkable water, and let’s not forget a mentally unstable maniac runs the country and just might get us all killed.

And who has the power to restrict that pay? And based on what criteria? And what stops them from restricting yours?

Thanks for the explainer. Everyone but you has been pronouncing it ‘see-oh,’ and wondering what the hell it means, innit? You must be very grown up. 

Not really the point. The point is the CEO, while valuable, does not add value on remotely the kind of scale to justify their salaries.

A competent CEO’s salary is only partially justified by the value they add to the company. The rest is a kind of economic placebo effect. So millions of dollars that could go to

Yeah because if we try to do ANYTHING about this problem we’re Venezuela. fuck you.

Yes, isn’t it crazy to think that we, in the most prosperous nation in the world, at the most prosperous moment of human history, might spread our prosperity around to all people instead of hoarding it in Panamanian banks? SO WEIRD.

I assume it’s something more along the lines of “CEO’s have an important role in an organization, but are not worth 200x the average employees salary”.

We don’t need an ideal world, just a better one than what we have now. I imagine part of that involves restricting the pay of smarmy, gladhanding assholes who provide, what? Leadership, I guess.