
Big screens + quality UI + plus solid battery + terminal emulator = Linux tablet.

This doesn't (presumably) take into account how much people actually USE these apps, which would be more relevant.

This can't be right because it's so obviously AWFUL.

@Arnold Qin: Well, only if it charged the battery for the battery-charging case.

$200 is a steal. We Soldiers in the Army are issued some very, very powerful lasers for our weapons that we use to let the locals know they're in our proximity, part of our escalation of force. They run in the thousands of dollars, and the Army owns TONS of them.


Thanks, Jesus.

@MacPro66: An iPhone is hard to beat.

@tipTI: The world is ugly.

I couldn't care less.

@Dacker: Wake up. Tune HD receiver to Fox News HD. Watch.

@LukeDukem: You're right. I'd much rather get my news from LukeDukem, and not the 24-hour news network.

Cool, so now when I get my terminator ready to be sent back in time I know who to target.

The New York Times is struggling, like every other newspaper in the country, and is doing whatever they can do to try to rise in popularity and remain relevant. This is the same for a number of media companies and they're all grasping to remain profitable, in a digital world where the web distributes news cheaper and

All carriers are a reason not to buy EVERY phone. They all suck for their own reasons, everywhere. The system sucks until buying a phone goes like this:

@Ph0Xy: You are wrong. There are plenty of useful, productive and interesting apps in there. And it's easier to find them. The App Store is light years ahead ahead of the Android Market in terms of usability.

@grewal12: Really, like the way Verizon decided that you weren't going to get unlimited data anymore?

This question is irrelevant because purchasing a cell phone doesn't go like this: