
Right. Because if not for the tantalizing harlot, the poor misguided ex-husband never would have strayed. It's *HER* fault he couldn't keep his vows.

Your "dear sweet grandmother" had a problem with her ex-husband, and resolved it by assaulting an innocent woman? AND managed to slut shame her at the same time with the 'floozie' epithet? Yeah, she sounds great...

You fired them over a slight misspelling / mispronunciation? Must be a real pleasure to work for you.

It blows my mind that people actually say we're progressing as a nation and things are better now than they were 50, 100, or even 200 years ago. The fact that this cretin is being allowed to openly say and think things like this without being charged and imprisoned with a hate crime is proof that we have a long, long

Ok, but how about instead of "Don't make fun of her," we do "Don't make fun of anyone." Especially if you're a cis white person who is commenting on a POC, a woman, or an LGBT person.

So Kelly Osbourne isn't opposed to racist, catty comments - just racist, catty comments about her friends? Yeah, that's real reasonable. Osbourne, Rancic, and Griffin are all bullies, and all should be fired immediately.

So top 3 are white men? Typical. And a cast that's full of funny women doesn't have a woman in the top 4? It's like the Oscars debacle all over again.

But you say "turkey burger". Scallop burger is made of scallops but the scallops have been ground up and then mashed back together prior to cooking.

When you say "Americanized," do you mean ignorant, racist, obese, navel gazers? Also, you're worse than Hitler.

What show were the tickets for?

So you're bragging that you behave by the rules of common decency? Do you also regularly announce to the world that you take care of your kids?

See, your post perfectly reflects what the author of this article is talking about. Go back and count the I's , me's and my's in your post. For white people, it's always about them. Making sure everyone knows how *you* are affected. Making it all about you. That was problem with the criminingwhilewhite hashtag, and

They only way to change the system is for whites to abdicate power. Completely. From their positions in politics, business, community - every where, and cede those positions to POCs, GLBTs and correct thinking white women. Then, and only then, can we have true equality in this country. And we know that ain't gonna

Honestly, I find it hard to believe that there are *any* good whites. The fact that you would suggest that there are makes you sound pretty racist.

No, there aren't. Every white person, no matter how good their intentions, is the beneficiary-and thus the product - of the centuries of forced white dominance over POCs.

I hope this guy loses his restaurant over this. People with these types of views should not be allowed to own businesses.

God I feel so bad for Ruby. No one has any right to make claims on or about a woman's body. If she feels she is pregnant, then she's pregnant and shouldn't be up for discussion by outside parties. We've just gotten to the point where we're not institutionalizing trans people (or homosexuals), but stories like this

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