
This episode packed in all the storylines that I currently dislike. The Peter running for President storyline. The on-going over exposure of Howard Lyman. The internal politics of Lockhart Gardner (whatever it is called these days) in a post Alicia world. And it included a storyline that in the past exhausted

I'm curious why you have no interest in watching season 1.

They are waiting for season 12 to tell that story.

Lou tells his Vietnam story and the whole time I thought he was referring to Peggy's ability to escape from disaster but he was referring to her husband, but ultimately it seemed to be about himself - the plight of man. However, Peggy, like me, saw herself in the story. And then we hear about Hank's ideas on

You see him limping in Betsy's dream/fortunetelling at a certain point in the progression of Molly growing up.

So, am I supposed to believe that the ship was actually nuked with all lives lost? Seems a bit odd to cast Jonathan Banks for all of a minute on screen.